A co-author and four associates complete the list of six accused of the murder of Fernando Villavicencio. Politics news

For prosecutor Ana Hidalgo, in addition to Carlos A’s involvement as the direct perpetrator of the hitman-style assassination of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio on August 9, Laura C and Eric R also participated in co-crime. As authors and collaborators, Victor F., Alexandra Ch. and Oscar Andres F. All may have intervened in the planning and organization of the murder of the journalist and former assembly member, which took place outside a coliseum north of Quito, where a political rally was ending.

Laura C., 23-year-old Ecuadorian, co-author

For the Prosecutor’s Office, Laura C., Surname laura one of two skinny girl, would have facilitated logistics in terms of motorcycles, vehicles, weapons, T-shirts, caps and money to all those who participated in the crime of Fernando Villavicencio. Follow-up would determine that she also led a faction of GDO Los Lobos and was the person in charge of providing logistics for the attack.

According to the investigation, the woman would have organized several pre-dominance and planning meetings, in addition to being in charge of identifying the places where the candidate was going. For example, Laura C. may have been seen in a white Sportage vehicle with Eric R. and Victor F. the day before the attack. A security camera at the location where Villavicencio’s crime occurred caught him driving a white vehicle at 11:03 p.m.

The Prosecutor’s Office points to Carlos A., alias ‘Invisible’, as the direct perpetrator of Fernando Villavicencio’s crime.

On August 9, 2023, at 1:10 pm, Laura C. would have been seen by an anti-narcotics team who was monitoring her for another case and then driven to Conocoto. Initially, the motorcycle that Laura C was riding was guarding the white car that Eric R was driving, but later he became the driver. On the other hand, Victor F. Used to drive a motorcycle which used to travel with him.

According to Prosecutor Hidalgo, other motorcycles fled that day, but one of these motorcycles was found in the area where Fernando Villavicencio’s crime occurred. Another motorcycle was also identified by an anti-narcotics agent who was investigating the drug smuggling issue.

As part of the investigative process, after examination, on a motorcycle abandoned near a pharmacy located in the area where the presidential candidate was assassinated, a fingerprint was found that belonged to the Colombian Andrés M., one of the defendants. Murdered in prison in Guayaquil on 6 September.

A white T-shirt was also found in the vehicle in which Laura C. was detained. The T-shirt was the same as the one Andres M was wearing on the day of the murder, an image captured by a security camera in the sector.

On the other hand, a telephone conversation with someone with the surname Laura C would be against Pauline, In these dialogues they mention “Laura” and the events that happened on August 10, 2023, deleting photos and deleting everything, they talk about the police raid, that they have cleared everything after the meeting and that their Believes everything was triggered by Villavicencio’s death.

Regarding Laura C., it was reported that on June 17, 2023, she was arrested along with Jhojan Castillo, who was in possession of a firearm. This situation would expose the connection between Laura C. and the man who directly assassinated the presidential candidate of the Build-Good People movement.

Eric R., 30, mechanic’s assistant, partner

He was detained along with Laura C, whom he said went by the same alias skinny girl, According to the prosecutor’s office, this would be related to the planning of the attack against Fernando Villavicencio, as he had reviewed the location where the rally took place and then the murder took place.

Surveillance shows him first escorting the vehicle in which Laura C is traveling and then as the driver. He was arrested along with Laura C. in a police operation at 2:30 pm. He was escorted by Victor F.

A cell phone was seized from Eric R., which upon examination yielded information containing data from a black motorcycle that was found abandoned in the vicinity of the Coliseum where Villavicencio was attacked. Cell phone photographs of the accused gathering at one place with weapons and firearms were also found.

Victor F., occupation unknown, 37 years old, partner

For prosecutor Ana Hidalgo, Ecuadorian Victor F. supported Laura C. in logistics, delivering weapons, and participated in planning meetings for the attack. The prosecutor’s office reported that it is known that before the attack against Fernando Villavicencio there had been a meeting the night before in a house in the Ibarra citadel, south of Quito. Many people attended the meeting, they received surname orders InvisibleJoe was connected via a video call, and GDO, another leader of Los Lobos, would also be connected.

Victor F was arrested along with Laura C as she was escorting the white Sportage vehicle in which he was travelling. On the phone seized from the defendant and after the necessary investigation, a photograph was found in which Eric F appears with a rifle in his hand and other photographs of firearms.

Also found on the device were photographs of the two slain defendants’ firearms, several weapons, and a sheet with ammunition. While investigating the case, a similarity was found between the firearms seen in the photographs, those found in a car that was recovered in a raid in the Monjas sector and those that were later determined to be the weapons used. They went. Villavicencio crime.

A civilian version would identify Victor F. as part of the meeting that preceded the assassination of the former president.

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Alexandra Ch., 21-year-old domestic worker, partner

According to the Prosecutor’s Office, this civilian was the person who was inside the Coliseum where Fernando Villavicencio was on the day of the crime. Alexandra Choudhury, as he said, would have been in charge of giving the green signal to inform the entry and exit of the candidate. From the analysis carried out on his cell phone, calls and messages were found which trace him to the time and place of the crime. I had incoming and outgoing calls.

In the raided property, a phone allegedly belonging to Alexandra Chaudhary was found, which had photographs downloaded from Fernando Villavicencio’s website.

She married Oscar Andres F. Must also have maintained telephone communications with and maintained records of the same.

Oscar Andres F., 23-year-old mason, partner

The investigation will reveal that this defendant was present at the time and place at the scene of the incident. This theory would have been arrived at through telephone analyzes conducted during the tax investigation phase.

Information provided by telephone companies indicated that he was not only at the crime scene, but had also called and conversed with Elizabeth Chaudhary on 8 and 9 August. The technical route of this person would have been established, that is, he had come from Riobamba to Quito to participate in a criminal act. (yo)

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