A doctor sings a song to his patients to give them a quiet moment while they are hospitalized, and the video goes viral

This video went viral on social networks. (TikTok: @marianomasciocchiok)

Argentinian doctor amid hospital routine Mariano Masiocchi managed to stand out in an extraordinary way by including music As a tool in the care of your patients. Through her TikTok account, the health professional shared a video that quickly went viral, generating a wave of positive comments and reactions from users of the platform.

Masciocchi shows himself in the video Singing popular songs like “The Morocha” Lak Ra Ke, interacting with his patients at the hospital. The Argentine doctor’s unusual practice attracted the attention of thousands of people, reaching almost two million views and a large number of comments praising the initiative.

In the video description, Mariano expressed his intention to inspire other health professionals to adopt similar practices. “We sing with our patients to try to share A special moment with him during his hospitalization, “We want to infect all healthcare professionals,” he wrote, underscoring the importance of providing a positive experience during hospitalization.

The video went viral on social networks and created an impact. (TikTok: @marianomasciocchiok)

The impact of this initiative is not limited to viral videos, as Mariano is constantly sharing more content in which he interacts with his patients through music. These additional clips strengthened the connection between the doctor and his followers, who appreciate the humanity and empathy that Masiocchi displays in his daily work.

The reaction on social networks was immediate, with thousands of users praising the doctor’s creativity and dedication: “The doctor is great. This is a business of service”, “I am dying of love and tenderness. Thank you doctor for making patients smile”, “I’m a nurse, I do this with my patients too, I even hold their hands and shake their shoulders”, “This reminds me of Patch Adams” and “I like the way you sing. Some of the messages are, “Never change the way you are.”

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