A flight to New York was canceled after a passenger spotted a detail on one of the plane’s wings.

A Virgin Atlantic Airbus 330. Photo: Wikimedia Image

He noticed something strange on the wing of the plane and told his wife. She became nervous and both of them expressed their concerns to the crew. A few minutes later, New York-bound flight VS127 was suspended. What did the traveler see?

by clarin

The episode occurred last week before a Virgin Atlantic Airbus 330 aircraft took off from Manchester (United Kingdom) for the United States. It was 41-year-old British Phil Hardy who realized that something was wrong with one of the wings of the vehicle.

From inside the aircraft, and while the crew was informing passengers about the flight’s safety mechanisms, Hardy noticed that one of the wings was missing four “fasteners”.

“Just to be safe,” he told a flight attendant and she immediately called engineers.

“I’m a good traveler, but my partner didn’t like the information I was telling her and she got nervous and I was trying to calm her as much as I could,” Hardy told Kennedy News.

they had to cancel the flight

Engineer arrived immediately. They climbed onto the wing of the plane and checked with a screwdriver whether the fasteners were in place properly. And they were.

However, Hardy was not sure. I remember that some time ago the door plug of an Alaska Airlines plane broke during flight.

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