A medical group works to tackle the devastating consequences of identity politics in medicine

,cna/infocatalyka) A nonprofit advocacy group hopes to continue progress by 2024 in the fight against the destructive consequences of identity politics in modern medicine, including transgender ideology and critical race theory.

On its website, Do No Harm says it represents doctors, nurses, medical students, patients, and policy makers focused on keeping identity politics out of medical education, research, and clinical practice.

The group says we believe in improving healthcare for everyone, not undermining it in the name of political agendas, noting that this, along with diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs, is divisive and Works to counter controversial trends. Youth-centric gender ideology.

Stanley Goldfarb, who helped found Do No Harm and was previously a professor of medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, told CNA in an interview that he had been aware of the trend for years. Increasingly incorporating identity politics and social issues into medical school curricula.

This push comes under the banner of critical race theory in medical education and health care, Goldfarb said.

Goldfarb wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal in 2019 in which he argued that the politicization of medicine was occurring at the expense of rigorous training in the medical sciences.

“I just said that I believe the medical school curriculum is beginning to focus on areas that are not appropriate for it,” Goldfarb said. But that too was not appropriate. The doctor expanded his ideas in a book; Do No Harm was founded shortly afterward.

End all discriminatory practices

On its website, Do No Harm claims to have filed hundreds of Freedom of Information Act requests, as well as dozens of complaints to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. The group says it uses a variety of tools to combat the influx of discriminatory and divisive ideologies into medicine, including lawsuits on behalf of its members.

Goldfarb said the group works to end all discriminatory practices in health care and medical education and to combat so-called gender-affirming care, especially when applied to children.

Goldfarb told CNA that the two objectives are related, because in each case people are treated as if they are members of a group.

In the case of discriminatory health care, he said, we must treat black patients as if they are members of a group rather than individuals. Gender-sensitive children are also told: you are part of a group, you are a ‘trans’ child. The failure to treat people as individuals is what really drives us. This is the basis of our mission.

Goldfarb said Do No Harm has taken a three-pronged approach to pursuing its mission: The group informs the public through an extensive opinion and media campaign, including publications in major American newspapers. Do No Harm’s demands are another part of its mission. Goldfarb said the group has filed several lawsuits against organizations that demonstrate discriminatory practices.

Michelle Cretella, a Catholic pediatrician and former executive director of the American College of Pediatricians (ACP), told CNA that Do No Harm is doing great work and that the ACP plans to approach them for collaborative projects in the future.

As a Catholic doctor, I appreciate that his arguments are based on science and natural law, Cretella said. This approach is ideal for educating those who are not religious but (who) continue to question ‘woke culture’ and are open to ‘the law written on the heart’, as St Paul writes.

The group also helps create legislation at the state level, including laws against gender-affirming care and eliminating DEI provisions in state Medicare programs.

The group is already progressing in 2024, among other things, a lawsuit against the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, which started a medical scholarship for which white applicants were prohibited from applying. The association apparently removed the scholarship from its website after Do No Harm filed a lawsuit.

Racial discrimination is illegal in the United States and should be, Goldfarb said, because we should not be treating people based on their race. We should treat them based on their individual characteristics.

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