A National Guard soldier was killed in a shootout on the Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo highway.

Tamaulipas National Guard (Photo: Twitter@CODIGO_NEGROMX)

after catching Jose Alberto Garcia VillanoSurname Bananaleader of a group of gulf cartelA shootout broke out between National Guard elements and armed subjects on the highway Monterrey-Nuevo LaredoDue to which one died and one was injured.

According to Tamaulipas Security SpokespersonEvents occurred before arrival dignitykilometers at 26 inches Nuevo Laredo,

“This morning at approximately 11:30, elements were attacked by armed civilians National Guard On th eway Nuevo Laredo-Monterrey, “Unfortunate death of one element and one injured element who was shifted for medical treatment,” the state spokesperson said.

This was a confrontation between elements of the GN and armed persons. Photo: X@AViverosNoticia

Videos and images shared on social networks show heavy firing between armed forces and armed people. The recording shows the moment when elements of National Guard They fired at a truck which was in an empty spot on the roadside.

These incidents led to road closure, leading to huge queues of private and goods vehicles. Some motorists managed to capture the moment when the collision occurred.

So far, authorities have not reported whether any other civilians have been injured as a result of these incidents.

The events come a day after the arrest of La Caña, the leader of the Gulf Cartel’s Grupo Escorpión faction. Credit: @Que HacerPolitic

These events occur a day after the arrest Jose Alberto Garcia VillanoSurname Bananagroup leader of scorpion group of gulf cartelwho was arrested in the municipality san pedro garza garciaIn the state of Nuevo Leon.

Banana Captured following military intelligence tip-off maritime secretary (Semmer) located García Villano through facial recognition from a video surveillance system at the department store, where she had gone shopping with two other people.

After sharing information with Nuevo León Attorney General’s OfficeA discreet but effective campaign was conducted to prevent this being a priority objective of Mexican and American officials.

They arrested Gulf Cartel leader La Caña (Infobae)

In the first photos of this criminal leader, La Caña is seen wearing a black sports outfit with white trim.

Short hair, beard and 1.70 meters tall, garcia villano was made available to the public ministry of new lionWhere, as of the date of this note, he is being held under a critical operation by federal elements awaiting the transfer of this major gulf cartel To the facilities of the Special Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime (FEMDO) of the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) in Mexico City.

So far, it is unknown whether the confrontation between armed individuals and elements of the National Guard that took place this Friday has anything to do with the La Caña disaster, also known as Cyclone 19.

Meanwhile, the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Nuevo Leon reported on the successful compliance of two search warrants on properties located in San Pedro Garza García and Santiago, Nuevo León, are reportedly linked to La Caña.

The operation resulted in the seizure of several doses of the green vegetable, which were consistent with dopeWithout reporting arrests or discovery of firearms.

operation, product of joint work between Federal and state authoritiesand after the capture of García Villano, it included investigative public ministryspies of State Investigation Agencyemployees of Institute of Criminology and Expert Services And Security Corporation State.

There were two discoveries involving properties in La Cana. Photo: Nuevo León Prosecutor’s Office

The searches were authorized by a Control and oral criminal hearing judge hanged in another state Colonia Lomas del Campestre And this Colonia El Barrial, The purpose of intervention is to strike effectively drug dealing In high impact areas in Nuevo Leon.

Illegal substances were seized along with various items belonging to crimes against health, were a direct result of these judicial proceedings. Despite no arrests or weapons being seized, the inspected properties remained under protection competent authorityrepresents a significant advance in war strategy small scale drug trafficking,

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