Adriana Karembeau leaves Stormi Bugsy, Natalie Portman files for divorce; Charlene of Monaco is having a dressing room collapse, Meghan Markle is being forced into labour; Flavi Flament is happy, Queen Camilla is not afraid

people press review

Charlene of Monaco has the most expensive wardrobe of crowned heads: 371,821 euros were spent on dressing last year. And that’s a huge savings because the budget has been halved compared to last year. Unlike her colleagues Kate Middleton or Letizia of Spain, you won’t see low-cost pieces on the ex-Olympic swimmer’s back, no, no, no. Their pieces cost an average of 3,000 euros, but the boost of style and morale is priceless.

Natalie Portman has confirmed her divorce. Without mentioning Benjamin Millepied, the American actress confirmed that she had decided to file for divorce after an attempt at reconciliation, which did not work. At the moment, both former lovers still live in Paris where their two children, Aleph, 12, and Amalia, 6, attend school. Last spring, the choreographer was photographed with 26-year-old ecological activist Camille Etienne.

Flavi Flament shows her face on the internet, and it’s intentional. The presenter thus silenced internet haters who found her too fat after the TV appearance. “These are the milestones of life, the milestones of happiness,” she wrote in the caption, along with a well-crafted rhyme for self-love. The year has started well!

The novel Delons (Station) is written live. The scenario has now expanded a bit with spying and covert recording. Anuchka reportedly took on the task of monitoring life in the duchy by hiring a security agent responsible for recording everything. In turn, the boys would have begun secret recordings to listen to the daughter and father’s conversations when they found the secret notebook. Hello environment. And after the exchange of complaints and intercessory speeches of the elders, comes the turn of the youngest. Alain-Fabian adds a little more and reveals his truth in Paris-Match: his father no longer knows whether it is morning or evening, his sister is a tyrant, he takes his brother’s side and gives all his affection towards Hiromi. keeps. We also learned that the division of the actor’s fortune has already been decided: 50% for his daughter, 25% for each of the boys. And then we understand where it went down.

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Jazmin Grimaldi gives Charlene de Monaco an Insta-write; Madonna wants to relax in Normandy, Adriana Carembeau is having fun; David Guetta is hoping for a third, Paris Hilton considers herself a bit of a Londoner; Gerard Depardieu is hiding in Portugal; Adele gets married

Meghan Markle was scorned and humiliated by the Golden Globes. The duchess was the only one missing from the cast of “Suits,” the series that made her famous, while the entire cast took to the stage to present an award. “She claims everywhere that she was not available, the truth is that she was not invited.” Bim, in the teeth. And to make matters worse, the presenter of the evening used her as a target for his jokes to make the audience laugh (and it worked) on the topic of “Harry and Meghan make millions doing nothing “. Closer and public are already taking stock of the beginning of the year, and it is not fantastic: his agent will have downgraded him: he will only be offered lip service for conferences, even more so for roles and fixed Not jealous of the failure of her collaboration with Spotify that gave birth to a mouse, her publishing house Sorel wants to see the announcement of 3 chapters of her biography before expanding. “Meghan is angry. She doesn’t want to be an ordinary person whose handwriting is scrutinized. ,

And then at the Golden Globes, Timothée Chalamet and Kyle Jenner appeared in public again. Sitting next to each other at the same table in the evening, they held hands and even kissed. Their story began six months ago after they met at the Jean-Paul Gaultier fashion show in Paris. In the evening, the youngest of the Kardashian sisters may also have shown off her teeth to Selena Gomez, who asked the actor for a selfie. Frustrated, the singer would leave whispering gossip into her best friend Taylor Swift’s ear.

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Charlene of Monaco dislocated her shoulder, Camilla dislocated her sword, Prince Louis lost a finger; Madonna shows off her toyboy, Victoria Beckham, David’s butt; Felipe and Letizia of Spain smile, Juan Carlos throws them to the dogs; Tom Cruise comes to Russian

Jodie Foster Says Out Loud What Boomers Are Thinking: “Janz Is Really Annoying”: The Actress Called Twenty-Somethings Lazy In An Interview. When it comes to waking up early for office he says, “No, I don’t feel like it, I will come today at 10:30”. Another example given over the microphone: “When they write emails and I say to them: “But it’s full of mistakes, haven’t you proofread?” » They respond “But why would I do that, isn’t it restrictive?” » head banging.

A return to celibacy for Adriana Carembeau: Love story with Stommy Bugsy ends in disaster after a few months together. “The couple did not survive this fatal test of life as a couple” And for the public, the saddest thing is the rapper: in love, he even decided to “give up the conquest of one evening” and go to Marrakesh with the model. . Filled him with joy”.

Sofia Vergara looks unrecognizable in her new role. The actress usually falls into the beautiful plant category and there, she had to wear dentures, forehead prostheses and… a bra that crushed her chest – in order to, according to her, “look less Latin.” The result is amazing.

Khloe Kardashian, chosen for the cover of a magazine, appears quite covered compared to family habits, but still has one breast exposed. The piece of meat, the United States said, was cleverly hidden behind an apple.

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Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are 20 years behind them. The couple is spending the end of the year in Australia and they have chosen one of Sydney’s beaches to enjoy. Tom Cruise’s ex-wife has a dream body and her musician husband isn’t bad either. From behind, she’s in an ultra-covering swimsuit (actually an anti-UV T-shirt) and he, all tattooed and in grunge shorts, standing arm in arm, her hand on his shoulders, hair blowing in the wind, If that hand is placed carelessly on his (subtle) buttocks, we will give him 20 years. A little more from the front.

And finally, before we go to chop wood: Cristiano Ronaldo spoiled his mom: He gave her a Porsche Cayenne wrapped in a big red bow for her 69th birthday. According to the Wall Street Journal, Elon Musk is a poly-addict: ketamine, LSD, shrooms, cannabis, the world’s richest man frequently gets high in private and at work. He replied with a poop emoji. For her book club, Queen Camilla chose a narrative that describes the hostage-taking of King Charles and his mother, Elizabeth II. And three! Tom Cruise has agreed to create a new Top Gun, the script is being worked on, but according to the actor, filming can begin only after Mission: Impossible 8.

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(Tags to translate)Celebrities(T)Cristiano Ronaldo(T)Natalie Portman(T)Nicole Kidman(T)Alain Delon(T)Adriana Karembeau(T)Kylie Jenner(T)Meghan Markle(T)Timothée Chalamet(T) )Delon Family

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