Age & Life Foundation launches 360º assessment project of well-being and dependency

In recent years, the scientific-professional community has devoted significant efforts to the discovery Variables that have a significant relationship with aging and healthy longevity, to find additional purpose cause-effect factor which are easily convertible and on which you can Impact through specific interventions Designed with the intention that people, by adopting new behaviors or habits, can enhance or improve their health status physically, socially and psycho-emotionally during the aging phase.

In this sense, since Age and Life Foundation, and thanks to the financing of the Ministry of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 20230; We have launched a new project that we want to pursue A piloting of the ANUBIS comprehensive assessment tool to assess its validity as a screening assessment tool According to, a series of factors or dimensions that are highly correlated scientific evidence Available with longevity of people. This equipment includes quick test (No more than 5-10 minutes) Designed to be easily used by a trained evaluator.

quantified dimensions ANUBIS considers loneliness and social support networks, genetic factors, health factors, personality factors, the person’s experience and work life history, aspects related to provision and insurance, economic factors, aspects related to the person’s place of residence. Social variables and aspects related to interpersonal interactions, nutrition and cognitive status of the individual.

After this evaluation on older people, a objective upgrade Each variable is analyzed based on what is expected of an individual at his or her age. Besides, After implementation of the psychoeducational program, areas with potential for improvement can be identified. It indicates those aspects and habits that the individual can easily modify to achieve improvement in these areas, adapt or maintain an adequate level of functioning and, therefore, Each has a positive impact on individual aging and healthy longevity,

Project It will be run throughout 2024 and there is next steps,

  1. Review and validation of study variables
  2. Design of intervention based on study variables.
  3. First User Evaluation or Baseline User Evaluation
  4. Implementation of personalized interventions
  5. Second user evaluation or post-intervention evaluation
  6. Project promotion and dissemination

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