AI and big data open up new challenges for internal medicine

Tutors of residents specializing in internal medicine from all over the country have gathered in Madrid at the headquarters of the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid (ICOMEM) to analyze current and future challenges in the training of future specialists in the Framework. of XIV Meeting of Internal Medicine Tutors organized by Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI). Apart from discussing how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will impact the training of future trainees, they also agreed on the need for the Health Ministry “Approve Expedited”. New training program for the specialty.

Representatives from all Autonomous Communities were present at the training to draw a current map of the situation and future challenges

Among the tutors there were Representatives of all Autonomous Communities, to draw, for the first time, a current map of the situation and future challenges in the training of current residents and future residents of the specialty. The meeting was opened by jose manuel porcelSecond Vice President of SEMI, and for javier morenoCoordinator of SEMI Training Group.

In Moreno’s words: “There are many skills a resident must acquire to become a specialist physician in the field of internal medicine, this is what the new program tells us that we hope the Ministry of Health will quickly approve.” Furthermore, it indicates “how to evaluate them so that all internal medicine residents in all autonomous communities learn the same thing, no matter where they train.”

Impact of Artificial Intelligence

Regarding the impact of AI on residents’ training, Moreno explained that “Today AI is everywhere and we, the trainees, cannot look away.” We need to know what it is, how it works and what is its application in real life. The way of teaching will also change: a tool that clearly incorporates all existing knowledge should be used, but with a series of guidelines that facilitate its applicability in our daily lives.

For his part, regarding research and the participation of residents in it, he points out that “there is research during residency, but with some guidelines: what can be done for R1 is not the same as for R5. “Can be done for.” For this reason, parents should set the pace and help residents make decisions in this regard.”

“Nowadays AI is everywhere and we, the trainees, cannot look away”

javier morenoSEMI Training Group Coordinator

Regarding future projects, it was revealed that a specific curriculum is being prepared for tutors that integrates and certifies “minimum basic concepts”. Furthermore, this year “we are going to celebrate the European Summer School for Young Internists for the third and last consecutive year, replicating the successful model of the previous two editions. In addition, we will run our own summer school for residents, group activities at the national congress (disruptive and with greater participation for residents than in previous years) and we remain committed to being where the congress for medical students will be. â€,

Finally, the meeting highlighted that “any internist has such a vast amount of knowledge in the management of patients that This gives you an advantage in your ability to train students, residents or anyone else in your specialty. but you need to know something Minimum guidelines or strategies that make these concepts disseminated and sustainable, As in all fields, it is important to learn how to train.”

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