AI, vaccines, anti-obesity treatments… these were the EU’s best medical initiatives in 2023

2023 has been an important year for biotechnology and medicine in the EU, characterized by bounce in the use of equipment such as artificial intelligence In the medical field.

Advances in the treatment of diseases like Alzheimer’s, innovative approaches in cancer therapy, advances in artificial intelligence and the management of obesity marked the year’s most significant steps in health care and medical research.

One of the most important milestones was progress in the EU in 2023 Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Although specific developments such as the LEQEMBI treatment (lecanemab-irmb) and Vaxxinity’s UB-311 vaccine are noteworthy, it is important to note the general progress made in the EU in this area, such as improvements in lunderstanding the disease and in Treatment methods.

2023 was an important year in the fight against obesity. The European Union has seen an increase obesity medicationsWhich reflects the demand for a better understanding of the complexity of this disease and more effective treatments.

New weight loss drugs, such as GLP-1 analogs, have changed the focus of traditional appetite suppressants to target Metabolic pathways and hormonal imbalance Related to obesity. Additionally, gene therapy has been introduced as a potential tool in the fight against obesity, targeting specific genes that contribute to the condition.

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2023 was also a landmark year in genetic medicine in the EU, with advances in therapies based on CRISPR (gene editing technology that allows the DNA of organisms to be modified precisely and efficiently).

The focus of research in the EU has been on the general application of this technology in the treatment hereditary diseaseHighlighting the possibilities that this technology opens up in therapeutic medicine.

In form of RNA technologiesAn essential molecule in living beings that is involved in the coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes, this year saw significant progress in the development of vaccines and treatments for rare diseases.

protein engineering, powered by aiAnother key area was in 2023. The integration of AI into protein engineering has allowed the design of new proteins with specific functions, which is important for the development of new drugs, enzymes, and biomaterials.

Furthermore, AI has facilitated Reuse of existing drugs For new therapeutic applications, such as in the treatment of rare diseases. This approach has transformed the drug discovery process, making it more efficient and cost-effective.

In the field of oncology, the EU has made significant progress in identifying Biomarkers for Prostate Cancer and in the development of targeted treatment, Additionally, there have been advances in early detection of ovarian cancer and the development of new targeted therapies.

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