Alert in the West: The North Korean regime announced that Vladimir Putin is willing to visit Pyongyang “soon”

The North Korean regime announced that Vladimir Putin is willing to visit Pyongyang “soon”. (Reuters)

rule of North Korea It was said this Sunday that the Russian President, Vladimir PutinExpressed his desire to visit the country in the near future, in response to the dictator’s invitation Kim Jong Un During their summit last year.

According to North Korean propaganda agency KCNAPutin may have expressed his wish to the Foreign Minister, Choe Son-HuiDuring his recent visit to Russia between 15 and 17 January.

During the meeting, Choe told “Heartiest congratulationsFrom Kim to Putin, who thanked him for the visit invitation Pyongyang and expressed willingness to do so in the near future KCNA,

“The government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea warmly welcomes President Putin and stands ready to welcome the closest friend of the Korean people,” Choe said in a statement.

This statement came after the Kremlin spokesperson. Dmitry Peskov, Earlier this week it said Moscow expected Putin to visit North Korea “in the near future.”

Choe Son-hui, the head of North Korean diplomacy, said his country is “ready to welcome” the Russian president, in a new sign of military and economic cooperation between the two countries. (Reuters)

Head of North Korean diplomacy visits moscow let’s meet last week Putin and their Russian counterparts, sergey lavrovAnd will discuss the situation on the Korean Peninsula and bilateral cooperation.

Russia And North Korea have strengthened their ties through the visit of Kim Jong Un to the Russian Far East in September last year, where he met Putin.

Both countries are subject to international sanctions by their respective nuclear program and ballistics, and has been accused of West To support each other in the Ukraine crisis.

According to the North Korean Foreign Ministry, Russia showed “deep gratitude and solidarity towards the position of the Russian government and people” in its illegal invasion of Ukrainian territory.

Increasing military and economic cooperation between Russia and dictatorship Kim Jong Un has raised concerns usa And South KoreaWho see it as a threat to regional stability.

Washington It has been reported Pyongyang has sent missiles and launchers to Moscow, calling it a “significant and worrying increase” in support for the Russian campaign in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Seoul has accused the North Korean regime of providing more than one million artillery shells in exchange for advice on technology. military satellite,

Both countries are subject to international sanctions for their respective nuclear and ballistic programs, and have been accused by the West of supporting each other in the Ukraine crisis. (Reuters)

on Friday, North Korea Tested “submarine nuclear weapon system” in response to joint naval exercises Washington, Seoul and TokyoIn which an American nuclear aircraft carrier participated.

According to regime propaganda media, the North Korean Defense Ministry said that these exercises “cause the regional situation to become more destabilized and are an act that seriously threatens security”.

“Their various maritime and underwater response actions will continue to prevent military maneuvers “Hostile attacks from ships of the United States and its allies,” he said.

situation on the peninsula Korea The situation has worsened in recent months, with both sides abandoning a key agreement to control tensions, beef up their border security and conduct live-fire exercises along the border.

North Korea tested a “submarine nuclear weapons system” in response to joint naval exercises involving Washington, Seoul and Tokyo in which a US nuclear aircraft carrier participated. (Europa Press)

dictator of north korea Kim Jong Un“declared” the South as its own last weekmain enemy” and disbanded government agencies dedicated to promoting cooperation and reunification of the peninsula.

They also threatened war if Seoul violated even “0.001 millimeter” of its territory.

Ahn Chan-il, a North Korean defector turned analyst World Institute of North Korean StudiesSaid that it is “difficult to determine the exact capabilities” of the alleged submarine nuclear weapon system Pyongyang,

“To consider matters of defense on a scientific level.” North Korea And the fact that the weapon is still in the development stage, it is not yet at a stage that poses any significant threat,” he said.

At his general political meeting at the end of the year, Kim threatened a nuclear strike against the South and called for strengthening his country’s military arsenal in the event of a war that “could erupt at any time.”

(With information from EFE and AFP)

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