Alexey Navalny “We are not afraid”: Thousands of Russians say goodbye to Putin’s rival, despite huge police deployment ordered by the Kremlin

image Source, reuters

  • Author, contract
  • Role, bbc news world

“Navalny! Navalny! Navalny!” Thousands of screaming Russians bid goodbye to Alexei Navalny, considered President Vladimir Putin’s main rival.

Despite heavy police deployment and threats of arrest, many citizens gathered around the Moscow Church of Our Lady Mother of God “Take away my suffering”, where the funeral rites were held this Friday; And also at the nearby Borisovsky cemetery, where the body of the rival was buried.

Navalny’s parents, Anatoly and Lyudmila, led the events, attended by Ambassador of Germany, France and the United States to Russia.

The late leader’s wife, Yulia Navalnaya, who lives abroad with their two children, did not attend out of fear of reprisals. However, she took the opportunity to thank her husband for “26 years of absolute happiness” through a heartfelt statement.

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