American Airlines flight delayed due to passenger suffering from excessive flatulence on board. news from mexico

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The man had to be removed from the plane due to excessive flatulence.

An American Airlines passenger was delayed on his plane due to flatulence.

United States.- A flight of American Airlines who covered the route from phoenix to austin On January 14 the plane was unexpectedly delayed due to an excessively “gaseous” passenger, causing a stir on board.

Story, shared in reddit Texas-based user lamgalatx describes how the flight caused unusual delays due to a man who was clearly disgruntled and possibly hungry, The decision was taken to release the gases significantly while they were at the boarding gate,

According to testimony, the passenger involved not only caused flatulence, but also caused flatulence Caused conflicts with other passengers By loudly and graciously announcing the choice of the stinkiest food. This triggered a series of comments among passengers A dispute that caused the plane, already headed for takeoff, to return to the gateMentioned in a magazine publication People,

crew intervention

The flight crew had to intervene, and according to witness accounts, “Fartman” was informed that he would not be able to continue the flight.

Despite his obvious disbelief, passenger left the planeWhich brought relief to other passengers, who were no longer afraid to breathe.

The Reddit post praised American Airlines’ actions, noting that the situation was handled promptly and effectively. Although this incident generated a Delay between 15 to 30 minutesThe situation was quickly addressed and the inconvenience to other passengers was resolved.

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(tags to translate)United States(T)American Airlines(T)flatulence

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