Anti-Chavista candidate Rosales insists he did not negotiate with Maduro and is ‘ready to retire’

Manuel Rosales, opposition candidate in Venezuela’s presidential election Registered on Monday night, close to the closing of the application period, said this Wednesday that he is willing to withdraw from the presidential race if the traditional opposition proposes a candidate that overcomes the obstacles posed by the government .

“I tell you with my heart in my hand. Look for dialogue, look for a candidate who can overcome the obstacles Government obstacles, and I give candidacy to whomever I want”Rosales said during an activity in Maracaibo, the capital of Zulia state.

The governor of Zulia also addressed those who – he assured – defamed him by saying that he would like to reach an agreement with President Nicolás Maduro to negotiate his candidacy, in order to make way for the largest opposition coalition. Ran away after. Democratic Unitary Forum (PUD)Those who were prevented from registering, Maria Corina Yoris, were elected unanimously within the formation.

“They are inventing, lying that I am Maduro’s candidate (…) that I negotiated with Maduro, What conversation? Julia’s government? Until Julia decides, I will remain in the post of governor,” stressed the regional official, who demanded that he not be discredited by statements he described as false.

In this sense, he assured that some political factions have spent “millions of dollars” to wage a “dirty war” against himHe is considered an ally of the Venezuelan President.

Manuel Rosales, governor of Venezuela’s Zulia state.


He reiterated that “every poisoned arrow” and every “slander” thrown against him would only serve to help “trap Maduro”.

Besides, Rejected the alleged “blackmail” that the regime uses to pressure citizens to vote for the official candidateas well as abstinence, which, according to Rosales, is promoted by various opposition sectors.

“If you don’t vote, we’ll take away your CLAP (subsidized food bag). It’s no use. If you don’t vote, we’ll throw you out. The pay is miserable and that’s not blackmail.” It doesn’t work. It sucks here, people don’t know.” He insisted, “I will abstain from voting. If they do not field another candidate, I will continue to keep the Venezuelan flag high.”

He stressed that if no candidate is proposed that passes the filters of the government and the National Electoral Council (CNE), he will remain in the presidential race in search of political change for Venezuela.

“I’m still waiting here, or they’ll take the flag or I continue with the Venezuelan flag”, He pronounced the sentence.


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