Aragon emergency room doctors also warn of a string of retirements in the coming years

There is no Mir expertise in emergency medicine, something that has been claimed for more than three decades and which translates into some “Aged” and “without generational change” services, And emergency doctors in Aragon have warned that, as seen in primary care teams, retirements await in the coming years.

So much so that more than half of the professionals working in the community in this sector will be over 50 years of age in a decade. The Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine (SEMS) recalls that, according to the report ‘Supply-need of medical specialists 2021-2035’, emergency physicians represent a increasing shortage of professionals And, in just ten years, across all specialties, they will be one of the oldest groups: 15.7% will be between 60 and 65 years old. A problem that also looms over primary care, where 299 family doctors and 28 pediatricians at the Aragonese Health Service will reach retirement age between 2024 and 2027.

SEMS brings together approximately 400 professionals in Aragon. emergency and emergency services They now rely basically on specialists in family and internal medicine., “Doctors trained from other medical specialties spend years and years in emergency services, training without specialization or uniformity, but many discover their true vocation,” the society assures: “This results in self-learning. One has to be able to continue practicing, in Spain, this is unrecognized.”

Currently, according to data for 2023, more than 30% of these professionals in Aragon (about 34%) are over 50 years of age. At age 55 you can request to stop performing guard duty (nights and holidays), but you must Maintain service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, To do this, says Dr. Rafael Marrone, President of SEMS Aragon, it is necessary to guarantee generational change.

Dr. Maron recalls that “the hospital’s emergency services and EMU were created in the late 80s and early 90s of the last century, with progressive developments since that decade.” In addition, the professional category of hospital emergency physician was created. Royal decree of 2001With positions typical for that position, and when it was believed that “the launch of the Mir characteristic of urgency and emergency was already imminent.”

However: “More than 20 years have passed and we have become ‘old’ while waiting. While the rest of the European countries were doing their homework, we are lagging behind in this regard. In the 2000s, structural templates were configured Hospital emergency services.

Future feature processing may be a little closer. In September 2023, Draft royal decree on the future specialization of emergency medicine, We are currently awaiting final procedures for its final publication. If no incidents occur that delay the process, it is scheduled for March this year. This is when all the processes will be initiated for the approval of experts and creation of teaching units to receive the first Mir in 2025. Professionals are confident that this horizon will be fulfilled: “Finally it will be a reality that allows us to guarantee a generational change, because at the moment there is nothing like it.”

High pressure in these services

In 2023, Aragon recorded an average of 1,706.22 visits to hospital emergency services every day, according to data collected by the General Directorate of Digital Health and Infrastructure. A higher figure than last year, when there were 1,692.47.

In fact, statistics show that attention continues to grow. Last year The record made in 2022 has been surpassed (again exceeding 2019’s historical maximum) and going from more than 617,000 patients to 622,729. A constant pressure that increases at certain times, like last Christmas, when respiratory infections began to skyrocket.

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