Are Nursing Practices Better Than Medicine: The Solution?

nursing practices They are of higher quality than Medicine, This is a statement that both health careers students agree with and future doctors regard their practices as an “essential” step towards professional development, but their application “can leave much to be desired”, In occasions, “Unbalanced and disorganized”, From nursing They value the practical nature of their training and how, compared to doctors, they get involved more and sooner. Both groups agree that a More doctor-nurse collaboration This will promote the growth of both from the very beginning and will be very positive for the future.

He State Council of Medical Students (CEEM) has indicated medical writing In a practical sense nursing careers are “better prepared” and will require this greater collaboration: “At the end of the day we work for the same thing and it would be incredibly positive to be able to do that Experience this team dynamic from the races, This is because nursing and medicine students will have different tasks in their working lives, as their work areas will be different and they can learn a lot from each other if we encourage these collaboration dynamics and connect. Let’s use common points for. Differences will increase,” he added Alex MaliaVice President for Training Affairs of CEEM.

Although each school, campus, and hospital manages internships differently, they still have several common points regarding Integration of medical students into their own practicesOften “conspicuous by its absence”: “A reflection of this is the humorous metaphor used to say that medical students in internship are ‘ficuses’ or they outright tell you that becoming a doctor is learned during residency”.

“Medical students in internship are like ficus”

However, CEEM adds that on hospital rotations (usually starting in the third year) they can observe second year nursing students doing internships. “On the Front Line” and being part of the healthcare team. He added, “Of course, the two professions cannot be measured by the same scale, as their functions within the healthcare team are different and hence their learning processes will also be different.”

“In Room” Practice for Nursing

Paula Setian, President of State Association of Nursing Students (AEEE), matches the view expressed by Malia: Nursing practices are more practical than those of her colleagues. “They are different practices with a different orientation,” explains the student, who assures that the practices of her association are “more general” and therefore more practical.

“You can say that what we see in the classroom is theoretically realized when we start doing our practice,” says the president of AEE, who also highlights that from the beginning he “ The ability to “enter rooms” is given. And stay in touch with patients, “My fellow doctors tell me that they are in their third year of study and in their internship they only read clinical records; our records are more applied,” he says.

Setien highlighted this The advantage is that it will enable joint practice for both degrees, He says, “I think it’s a mistake that our structures are extremely isolated. There’s a lot of prejudice in both professions and I think this union will be positive.”

What are medical students missing?

For CEEM, it is essential that one learns, from one’s career, the dynamics that exist between the two and how they can work to meet the objective of preserving the health of the population, which is why they defend it. blended practice model Which reflects the multidisciplinary reality of their future jobs. “Of course, a hospital with real patients would not be the best place to start this kind of education, which is exactly where differences of opinion may emerge. Simulation to prepare students from the beginning Complete freedom to make mistakes and learn from them, without influencing anyone. We have a very powerful tool that we’re wasting a lot of,” he explains.

Students of Medicine “they miss” both quantity and quality In internships, there are times when the student herself “has completed her degree without minimal contact with the specialty she theoretically wants to pursue.” “This often results in the student having to find more internships themselves to be able to fully perform and make it clear that he or she has the time to do so extracurricular practice Self-employment is a privilege that is not available to everyone,” says Malia.

In medicine they forget about “both quality and quantity” when it comes to their behavior

Another important thing is “tunnel vision” As CEEM points out, the medicine internship program appears to have this, as it focuses only on the clinical part. “Medicine is much more than that, apart from clinical practice and teaching it is also research and there are very few practices in this regard. Research in medicine has been largely forgotten In which many people find their true place to develop professionally,” he concluded.

End of Night Internship in Nursing

For her part, Paula Setien comments that, in terms of nursing practices, what they would like to change is The “distance” between the university and hospitals and health centres., “Sometimes you arrive at an internship and it’s not very clear what you’re supposed to do,” explains the president. Thus, the organization asks that nursing students, once they reach the practicum part, “ They should have a clear training line, with more defined objectives.

Also, remember the demand they have been fighting for for so long as nursing students: an end to night practice. “We believe that formally their value is less And the students who do them also value them negatively,” he explains.

Finally, nursing students talk about how the shortage of nurses within the National Health System (SNS) affects Training of future professionals, They concluded, “If the nurses who have to provide the training are saturated with the burden of care, this would be noticeable in the training.”

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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