Are poor creatures sexist? Emma Stone and Yorgos Lanthimos respond to criticism

“If I may say so, as the lead actress and producer of the film, I don’t see Bella Baxter as a child.”

Emma Stone Talked about allegations of gender discrimination towards the project poor creatures Of Yorgos Lanthimos, The 35-year-old actress, nominated for an Oscar, plays the lead role in Anubhav lanthimos, Bella Baxter. Thanks to the scientific skills of Dr. Baxter, the young Londoner is revived (william defoe) is at the center of a controversy that undermines the film’s message. The premise of the experiment presents Bella in an adult body, but with the brain of a child. The problem lies here. Very quickly, she exposes herself to the pleasures of the flesh, to the exploration of her own and her partners’ bodies. Critics condemn this unhealthy aspect of the film, where a child, even an infant, enjoys premature and inappropriate sexual freedom.

Beyond the topic, responses also point to male haze Director Emma Stone increased the sex and nude scenes by leaps and bounds. poor creatures,

,If I may say so, as the lead actress and producer of the film, I do not see Bella Baxter as a child“, Answer Emma Stone But Times,

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,but that’s also very literalConsiders for his part Yorgos Lanthimos, If you take the film thinking only about the child mind state then you are missing the story of the film. If you start analyzing the film thinking what could have happened, then of course the film does not work.,

Emma Stone Take this opportunity to point out how people currently consume films: “My mom says that at the beginning of a relationship, we say: ‘We are so in love that we finish each other’s sentences’, And then, over time, it becomes: ‘You always interrupt me.’ This can also happen in the relationship with cinema, especially a film that raises more questions than it answers.,

,I know people who saw the movie and thought it was the sweetest romantic comedy, and others who viewed the movie with horror. And it’s great”The actress continues.

In a review for Independent, Clarice Loughrey Appreciated the performance”bold” OfEmma StoneBut still condemned the voyeurism of the feature film:

,Parts of the film are obnoxiously voyeuristic. For example, after Bella starts working in a brothel in Paris, Lanthimos takes erotic pleasure in showing her serving her various old, shaggy and smelly clients.,

During his visit to the capital, Emma Stone Returning to the feminist dimension of the film, which it proudly claims. The press conference addressed all the filming points regarding the nude scenes, which the actresses faced with a lot of freedom and trust in the teams. poor creatures Has been nominated in 11 categories for the upcoming Oscar ceremony Sunday 10 March 2024from 7 pm to 10:30 pm (ie 1 pm to 4:30 am French time), at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood, a 3,400-seat venue that has hosted the event since 2002.

Emma Stone – Poor Creatures: “Bella is the character that made me the happiest”

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