Armando information: Jorge Jimenez defeats Alex Saab in CLAP and PDVSA

The young president of the Venezuelan Football Federation is a rising star who has managed to climb the ranks in the business sector with the regime under the protective wing of Vice President Delcy Rodríguez. His flights in official delegations take him around the world not only to promote La Vinotinto, but also for his own benefit through a business structure that provides food for CLAP as well as PDVSA. It also supplies oil. There are already those who see him as the successor (and rival) to Nicolás Maduro’s favorite businessman.

By Roberto Deniz / ArmandoInfo

While the national football team, nicknamed La Vinotinto, debuts the Adidas uniforms and kits to continue the fight at the top of the South American qualifying table for the 2026 World Cup, the president of the Venezuelan Football Federation (FVF), Jorge Jiménez Ochoa, together Let’s play. In an even more demanding competition: those of the professions that are decided at the top of Chavismo.

“You will be the first president to take Venezuela to its first World Cup in 2026,” a smiling Jiménez promised Nicolas Maduro at an event held at the United Nations Park in Caracas last December. There Jiménez not only anticipated Maduro’s upcoming re-election, but also described him as “the silent godfather of la vinotinto” while presenting him as a “young man” with the responsibility of “carrying us through” the president. Had given. world Cup.”

This is not the only important mission Jimenez has been assigned. Away from the FVF offices and the headlines of the sports press, the 36-year-old manager, who as a child dreamed of becoming a footballer on the fields of the claret school of Caracas, stands in the lucrative business Local Committees of Supply and Production (CLAP), with Mediation in the commercialization of crude oil from Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA). This is added to a long history as a contractor for various state agencies with companies in which he has partnered with some relatives, such as his father, Fénelon Jiménez González, also a businessman.

Several documents reviewed by, as well as conversations with various sources, allow us to outline the business structure designed by Jiménez to manage his businesses, as well as Vice President of the Republic and Minister of Finance. Also gives information about his close relationship with Delsey Rodriguez. , “Venezuela will have a professional voice in the world of international football,” Rodríguez said in a congratulatory message sent to Jiménez via the social network X (formerly Twitter) a few days after being elected FVF president. On 28 May. 2021.

More details at Armando.Info

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