Borrell emphasizes that “Israel cannot have veto power” over the creation of a Palestinian state. international

The Gaza war, with approximately 30,000 deaths, has revived the two-state solution as the preferred formula for ending hostilities and resolving the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. A formula that has attracted the attention of the G-20 foreign ministers meeting in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) as “the only possible solution”, the host foreign minister announced after its conclusion on Thursday. Mauro Vieira…

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The Gaza war, with approximately 30,000 deaths, has revived the two-state solution as the preferred formula for ending hostilities and resolving the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. A formula that has attracted the attention of the G-20 foreign ministers meeting in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) as “the only possible solution”, the host foreign minister announced after its conclusion on Thursday. Mauro Vieira. European diplomacy chief Josep Borrell stressed to a group of journalists in Rio that “Israel cannot have veto power” over the creation of a Palestinian state. The G-20 is pushing the idea after 99 out of 120 Israeli parliamentarians on Wednesday rejected calls for the world to recognize a Palestinian state outside negotiations between the conflict parties.

Foreign ministers of the G-20 – which brings together the world’s 19 largest economies along with the European Union and the African Union, and represent two-thirds of humanity – devoted the second day of the meeting to discussing reforms Is. multilateral organizations so that they can better reflect today’s world. But the first day was dedicated to the war in Ukraine and Gaza.

Borrell says there is broad consensus within the G-20 on the idea that creating a Palestinian state alongside Israel is a framework for uncovering a solution. “Everyone here, everyone, I haven’t heard anyone against it. “I see strong demand for a two-state solution,” the EU representative declared. “This is a consensus among us (…). The common thread (in the G-20 debates) is that unless the Palestinians have a clear political vision of creating their own state, there will be no peace, no lasting security for Israel.” According to him, “If If they have enough support, the Arab countries will soon present an initiative on similar lines.” Washington has also doubled down on its statements in favor of this neglected prescription over the past decade. In recent years, Israel, the United States, and several Arab countries have been moving toward reconciliation outside Palestine.

The invasion by Israel, which followed a Hamas terror attack on October 7 that killed 1,200 people, has given a strong boost to the proposal that has been on the table since the 1990s. “We must mobilize our political capacity to promote this solution, so that it can be implemented. If not, they are just illusions,” says the head of European diplomacy in the face of this consensus.

The meeting of G-20 foreign ministers has ended without a joint statement. But Brazilian Foreign Minister Vieira finally pointed out that many countries have requested the immediate release of hostages held by Hamas in the Palestinian Strip, adding that there have been calls to allow the entry of aid, which is now arriving in large quantities. “A number of countries” have called on Israel to reconsider its decision to invade the Rafah area, and to alleviate the severe humanitarian crisis. Borrell has warned that the West Bank is “boiling over” due to settler attacks on Palestinian civilians.

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Two years after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the EU representative observed that “Putin is continuing the war, with no signs of willingness to stop it.” In Borrell’s opinion, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov did not present any new developments regarding the Kremlin’s position at the Brazilian meeting.

He also highlights that due to Ukrainian military advances “exports (of this country) are at pre-war levels, but more expensive.”

There is also consensus in the G-20 to reform multilateral organizations like the United Nations Security Council. The Brazilian Foreign Minister is required to include new members, both permanent and non-permanent, especially from Latin America and Africa. But no one in this informal club is under any illusion that the five countries with veto power (China, France, the United Kingdom, Russia, and the United States) have any desire to give up the power they have held since the end of World War II. Is. , But given the ineffectiveness of the UN’s peak body, as demonstrated by its inability to stop the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, they pave the way for the changes Brazil has been demanding for decades.

Brazil’s priorities for the rotating presidency of the G-20 also include fighting hunger, poverty and promoting the energy transition.

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(TagstoTranslate)Josep Borrell

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