Brad Pitt wins two battles against Angelina Jolie in the battle over Miravalle estate in Var

When Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie acquired the Miraval estate in Var in 2008, the two stars probably did not imagine that the estate and its wine activities would find themselves before the courts at the center of a guerrilla war a few years later. Their separation would also be less triggering.

The case of the Château Miraval where “Brangelina” was married in 2014 is the history of an American-style divorce which, with a domino effect, turned into an economic-legal tangle worthy of a ‘fantasy with drawers’ scenario.

Processes in three countries

Miraval Estate. (Photo Doc Patrice Lapoiri).

The final two episodes turn to Brad Pitt’s advantage. Even though ups and downs are possible. In a ruling delivered on 21 December, the Nîmes Court of Appeal canceled a process aimed at questioning the management and governance of the property.

And, according to American media page six, a Luxembourg court restored the actor’s status as majority shareholder in the main company controlling Château Miraval SA. A provisional measure, pending a decision on the merits.

Another court decision is also expected within a few weeks in California, where multiple complaints have been filed by both sides.

A set-up of companies

How to deal with this confusion of processes? Everything is based on the shareholding of Quimicum Holding Company, the company under Luxembourg law that owns Château Miraval SA. The Quimicum company is owned by two entities based in Los Angeles: Mondo Bongo, created by Brad Pitt, and Novell LLC, founded by Angelina Jolie.

To finance the acquisition of Miraval Estate, one invested 15 million euros and the other 10 million, or 60% and 40% of the amount of the operation respectively.

Shortly before the couple’s wedding, Brad Pitt sold 10% of Quimicum’s capital to Angelina Jolie, so that each owned 50% of Chateau Miraval’s parent company.

a symbolic euro

After the divorce, against the backdrop of a dispute over child custody, Angelina Jolie decided to give up her shares in favor of a Russian (emigrant) vodka magnate, Yuri Scheffler. This was the spark that brought the conflict out of the already complex family dimension.

The new owner of Novell LLC has thus imposed himself on Brad Pitt, whom he despises. the control” on Miravalle’s alcohol activities. The Russian billionaire’s lawyers also obtained in 2022 that documents be seized from Pitt’s partners in Vaucluse to support the allegations. management mistakes“. It’s like this. “ civil search“Which has recently been rejected by the Nîmes Court of Appeal.

The situation between the two “partners” is tense to such an extent that provisional administrators were appointed in 2023 to continue “running” SARL Quimicum and its subsidiary Château Miraval SA.

For his part, Brad Pitt has filed legal action in California and Luxembourg in hopes of voiding Angelina Jolie’s sale of Novell LLC to Yuri Sheffler. According to the complainant, the actress could not sell her shares without his consent. At a minimum, he intends to invalidate the transfer of 10% of Quimicum given by Pitt to Jolie for just one euro. He argues in his complaints that compensation was never given.


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