Cade Cowell moved to Chivas after passing physical and medical tests

busy for sunday morning cade cowell Who has already completed physical and medical tests to be officially appointed as Chivas’ new player. Guadalajara,

This was Cade Cowell’s medical exam

The Mexican-American football player was called a long time ago to take him clinic Where studies are conducted regularly before preseason or when reinforcements arrive.

Californian they had no trouble passing the exam And so it can be made official this Sunday second reinforcement of era Fernando Gago In front of the red and white team. Every moment covel maldonado He seemed excited and calm about this adventure.

Cowell had come for Guadalajara In the early hours of Saturday, coming from San Jose, California, He stayed in his hotel until he was taken there Akron Stadium to watch the match between Chivas and Santos Laguna, which ended 1-1,

in the box, Cowell He received the affection of the red and white fans, who asked for photographs and autographs. It should be noted that the new element of the sacred flock came with its mother, amber maldonado Where he got his Mexican roots.

When can Cade Cowell debut with Chivas?

it is expected that to be presented on Monday and already work under the orders of GagoHopefully he can make his debut this weekend against UANL Tigersas part of the second day of closing tournament 2024 of Liga MX,

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