Canada: Northwestern Air plane crashes, at least 10 dead. Plane crashed today Accident in Canada Plane crash in Canada , World

Mexico expresses regret over plane crash in Canada. Photo: @LaCronicaDeHoy/Reference

An airplane northwest wind Crashed in Canada. According to the first reports, at least 10 people are reported to have been killed, with local authorities not yet providing further details about the incident. “This time, We can confirm that deaths have occurred, but we will not provide any additional information Notification from next of kin is awaited,” the NWT chief wrote. garth eggenberger,

The accident is still under investigation

as indicated Canadian Area Health and Services Authoritythe plane fell fort smith However, the information about the incident came to light in the country as soon as it became morning and night. ,No details about the incident can be released. or anyone affected at this time due to patient confidentiality,” the health authority said.

for its part, Transportation Safety Board It was announced in the country that the plane which crashed British Aerospace JetstreamWhich has a capacity of barely 19 passengers and was registered in the name of Northwestern Air Lease, It is not yet known how many people were inside the plane during the accident.

Local media indicated the plane lost contact after flying about 740 kilometers south of yellow knife, In a statement, the Prime Minister N.W.T., R.J. simpson, expressed himself in connection with the tragic accident. “The impact of this incident was felt across the country. The people we lost were not just passengers on a flight; they were neighbors, coworkers, friends and loved ones.”

The Mexican government expressed regret over the events that occurred.

For his part, mexico government expressed regret over what happened and expressed its condolences through a statement on the account external relationships On X, formerly on Twitter. “The Government of Mexico deeply regrets the tragedy that occurred today due to the plane crash Northwestern Air Lease In the Northwest Territories, Canada. “We express our condolences to the people of that country as well as the families of the victims.”

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