Cartagena: two women tried to rob an American – Other cities – Colombia

New one matter of insecurity Was registered in Cartagena, In a recent incident, two women tried to rob a US citizen, but officials managed to foil the criminal act.

(Also read: Cartagena mayor bans possession and consumption of drugs in ‘safe zones’: What are they?)

According to information given to this medium by sources, the girls contacted the tourist and managed to gain his trust.

while they were talking The man, about 35 years oldThey took advantage of a moment of inattention, allegedly supplying him with a substance, until they managed to intoxicate him.

With the plan progressing as planned, the girls proceeded to steal their victim’s belongings. From cash to cell phones.

However, they did not have the intervention of a witness who saw what was happening and immediately informed Units of the Metropolitan Police of Cartagena To catch the named people.

The victim was taken to the medical center

The medium revealed that the incident occurred last Friday, January 19, while the American had to seek medical attention at a nearby health center. Meanwhile, both the women were produced in the court.

(Also: Three people died and one was injured in an attack during a concert in Bolivar)

According to initial information, the girls are allegedly part of a criminal gang that is out to lure and rob foreigners.

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