ChatGPT Team: OpenAI’s new bet for small work teams

ChatGPT Team Service specializes in offering AI tools for collaboration and management of small and medium-sized businesses. (OpenAI)

OpenAI has launched a new subscription option for its popular Artificial Intelligence chatbot, chatgptDesigned specifically for small teams that prefer to manage self-service.

This method is called Chatgpt Team and allows groups of up to 149 members to use chatgptWhich also includes specific tools for team organization and management.

members of a team who subscribe chatgpt Get access to the latest versions of OpenAI As GPT-4which generates text, as well GPT-4 with Visionwhich is able to understand both images and text DALL-E3One who creates images.

Additionally, they have tools that allow chatgpt Review, modify, and remove data from files uploaded to the platform.

Subscribers of the subscription service will get new features. (pictorial image infobae)

Chatgpt Team Makes it easy for Teams users to design and share applications gpt Personalized, OpenAI is developed from artificial intelligence models that generate text.

these applications gpt They can be created without the need to know how to program and their complexity will depend on what each person wants. An example of its use might be for a company to include specific code so that its developers can review whether they comply with a certain style or create code following recommended best practices.

Besides, OpenAI declares that the customer of chatgpt The team will receive updates and new features in the future, the specific details of which have not yet been defined. The company also ensures that it will not use the team’s data or conversations to train its models.

Chatgpt Team It is offered at a cost of $30 per user per month, or as low as $25 per user per month if annual billing is chosen.

This makes it easy to create custom GPT applications by allowing teams to innovate without requiring technical coding knowledge. (Illustrative Image Infobae).

This plan costs more than ChatGPT Plus, OpenAI’s premium personal service, which costs $20 per month. However, it is much cheaper than ChatGPT Team Chatgpt EnterpriseWhich costs up to $60 per user per month and requires a minimum commitment of 150 users with an annual contract.

OpenAI, The company that created ChatGPT assures that it is currently “impossible” to develop artificial intelligence without the use of copyrighted material.

A statement that comes amid a context in which the company has allegedly been accused of using protected content without proper authorization.

This position was put forward by the company to the Digital and Communications Select Committee. UK House of LordsDue to a lawsuit filed by The New York Times for unauthorized use of material for the company’s development of AI.

The company told a UK committee about the difficulty of developing AI without copyrighted material. (pictorial image infobae)

The company’s statement amid the legal process was, “It would be impossible to train today’s leading AI models without using copyrighted material.”

According to OpenAICurrently “copyright covers virtually all forms of human expression” such as blog posts, photographs, forum posts, pieces of software code, and government documents.

Artificial intelligence continuously provides information to generate content in real time.

Facing the allegations, OpenAI explains the importance of protected content to the development and effectiveness of artificial intelligence. (Illustration Image Infobae)

Furthermore, he stated that limiting oneself to only public domain material, however historically relevant, I would be insufficient To provide AI system With the necessary capabilities and knowledge to meet the demands of today’s society.

Due to conflict with copyright OpenAI Will be embroiled in legal disputes and allegations and counter-allegations.

The New York Times and several prominent writers have already condemned the company Microsoft Reportedly to use its content to train AI systems chatgpt Without prior permission. These companies have been accused in the lawsuit create one “illegal use” Of the original work of the authors.

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