Congress: Alejandro Soto signs an autograph that modifies the Forest Law without considering requests for reconsideration. Latest | peru

Signed this Wednesday, January 10, by Congress President Alejandro Soto Signing of the bill amending Law 29763, Forestry and Wildlife Law. Environmental and indigenous organizations condemned that it would lead to deforestation of the Amazon; However, despite two requests for reconsideration, these were never voted on and no longer appear on the Parliament’s website.

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The autograph is signed by Alejandro Soto and Waldemar Cerón. (Photo: Capture/Congress)

Congresswoman Ruth Luke condemned the “disappearance” of these reconsideration requests, one submitted by her and the other by Sucel Paredes. Furthermore, he pointed out that the rules of Congress stipulated that they had to be resolved by voting in the plenary session, but that would not happen now that it had already been sent to the executive.

“Clearly the process has been prevented from being completed, the right thing to do was to vote on the reconsideration submitted, not to ignore its existence in order to approve it (to eliminate it). “The Presidency of the Congress did not care about the amendments presented, it has decided to abandon the process of implementing amendments to a law, to which many indigenous organizations have expressed their disapproval and concern,” Luke expressed via his Twitter account.

It is worth specifying that in mid-December of last year, Congress, after a clear process, adamantly approved amendment in forest lawDespite the fact that the executive rejected the bill in August 2022 Recognizing that this jeopardizes the protection of forests, biodiversity and especially the rights of indigenous peoples.

Experts from the Peruvian Society of Environmental Law (SPDA) reported in a legal reportthat this amendment Promotes and legalizes deforestation and forest degradationAnd puts people’s livelihood at risk. farmer family In Amazon.

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