Chicago Cubs legend sends emotional message to fans

rene sandberg The true figure was chicago cubsA franchise that he defended between 1982 and 1997, and managed to display his best game there, as he managed to do so 10 times. all Star, gold glove He achieved seven achievements on nine occasions silver bats and won awards National League Most Valuable Player (MVP). In 1984.

All these scrolls helped him rise to the highest position Major League Baseball (MLB) Hall of Fame in 2005 with 76.2% of the votes and in the same year chicago cubs He took off his symbolic number 23 shirt, which can be seen flying Wrigley Field.

But now, rene sandbergThe 64-year-old is facing the hardest game of his life after announcing this Monday, January 22, through social networks that he is fighting prostate cancer.

Support from the Chicago Cubs for Ryne Sandberg

It doesn’t take long for the reactions to arrive. chicago cubs They also shared this message on their networks, like Account hall of fameWho sent words of encouragement to the former second baseman:

Supportive comments to the publication also include champions chicago cubs In 2016, David Ross and Dexter Fowler.

Although it started philadelphia philliesIn 1981, only one season ran there. After this he spent his entire career here chicago, in my career mlb He recorded 2,386 hits, 282 home runs, 1,061 RBI, and a batting percentage of .285.

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