Church priest caught in smuggling of erectile dysfunction drug

He therapeutic one of church in the municipality of Don Benito In spain Police caught him after linking to illegal smuggling Of viagraa medicine that is used to treat problems erectile dysfunction Which was launched in the market in March 1998. Along with the priest, his romantic partner was also arrested.

The Civil Guard reported that the arrests stemmed from an investigation against the trafficking of drugs, as well as other “powerful aphrodisiacs”, that was carried out in the said Spanish city. “The operation is open and the secrecy of the proceedings has been fixed,” sources in the armed forces informed the EFE agency.

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Spanish religious man and his romantic partner smuggled Viagra. Photo: Archive

For how long was the priest smuggling Viagra?

The arrest of Pujari and his associate – whose identities remained anonymous – took place on Monday. The religious was in charge of the parish of San Sebastian. It is unknown since when the priest dedicated himself to the transfer of Viagra and other aphrodisiacs, which he did from the front of the church.

As a result of the arrest, the Bishopric of Placernia (Cáceres) has said it “definitely regrets the pain, suffering and scandal that the events described have caused,” the agency quoted him as saying.

Smuggler was the priest of San Sebastian Parish in Spain. Photo: EFE

What did the Church say on the arrest of the priest?

In an official statement, the Pleasantine Bishopric, on which it depends Don Benito, reported that he is “waiting to receive more information from what has been published by the media about the arrest of a priest in Don Benito.” “We are waiting for the facts to become clear as the investigation is ongoing,” he said.

Likewise, he has also stressed that he is “attentive to its development with prudence and respect for those involved.” Similarly, the bishops have shown a willingness to cooperate in whatever is necessary and “we need to do the necessary things.”

With information from EFE.


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