Colombia has raised its voice in the wake of the electoral crisis in Venezuela and called for compliance with the Barbados Agreement

Gustavo Petro. Photo: Presidency of Colombia

For three days, Colombian President Gustavo Petro and his Foreign Minister Luis Murillo communicated with Venezuelan political actors to promote compliance with the Barbados Agreement.

Colombia reiterates its respect for Venezuela’s sovereignty and institutions, Also the need for free, fair and competitive presidential elections Which promotes citizen participation through voting.

The nation of New Grenada expressed Concern about difficulties in registering candidature from majority areas Opposition such as the Unitary Platform and Vente Venezuela.

According to the Colombian government, May affect international confidence in the transparency and competitiveness of the electoral process Scheduled for July 28 in Venezuela.

Colombia called on the parties to guarantee the conditions for fair presidential elections.

full communication

Gustavo Petro. Photo: Presidency of Colombia

During March 23, 24 and 25, the Colombian government, headed by President Gustavo Petro and Minister of Foreign Affairs (E), Luis Gilberto Murillo, maintained constant communication and took the necessary steps through formal diplomatic channels and informal meetings. Parties in Venezuela – both government and opposition sectors grouped into the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) and the Vente Venezuela movement – ​​called for unrestricted compliance with the provisions of the Barbados Agreement, in which Colombia has participated as observer and partner.

In this sense, Colombia reiterates its full respect for the sovereignty and autonomy of the Venezuelan people, its political institutions and other social and political actors in the definition of their destiny through existing internal mechanisms for the resolution of political disputes.

At the same time, it reiterates the need for a free, fair and competitive presidential election process in Venezuela, where civic participation is promoted through voting as a mechanism of democratic expression.

Colombia expresses its concern about the recent events that took place on the occasion of the registration of some presidential candidates, in particular with regard to the difficulties faced by the majority sectors of the opposition – such as the Democratic Unitary Platform and the Vente Venezuela movement. Which could affect the confidence of some sectors of the international community in the transparency and competitiveness of the electoral process, which will conclude with the presidential elections on July 28.

Colombia also reiterates the need to support and promote democratic consolidation in Venezuela as a factor of regional stability.

Political and electoral guarantees for all political actors equally constitute a fundamental axis in the framework of democracy and for this reason, Colombia calls on the need to give priority to the current presidential electoral political process as a democratic mechanism for decision-making. Joins the call of the international community. It will and will impact the lives of our brother Venezuelans for years to come.

Of course, Colombia will continue to offer its good offices, if necessary, to continue efforts to advance, through discreet and confidential diplomatic channels, the realization of the democratic solutions proposed, agreed and achieved by Venezuelans. Allows maintaining a favorable environment for.

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