Colombia is studying measures against Argentina after Miley’s statements about Petro

Camilo Romero, Colombia’s ambassador to Argentina, announced this on his X account (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday The government of President Gustavo Petro is seeking ‘measures’ in its relations with the Argentine executive After that country’s president called Petro a “terrorist killer”.

In an interview with the American network CNN en Español, which will be broadcast this Sunday but the channel broadcast a preview of it this Wednesday, President Javier Miley attacks Petro and the Mexican President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Regarding the Colombian President, he said, “Not much can be expected from a person who is a terrorist murderer.”

Of his Mexican counterpart, he said: “It’s a compliment that an ignorant person like López Obrador speaks ill of me, it boosts my dignity.”

After knowing the excerpts of the interview, Ambassador Romero recalled in his publication in X that this is the third time that Miley has commented About the President of Colombia.

He wrote, “There are zero and three. It is clear that every time you ask @JMilei about @petrogustavo, he will respond with insults.” “Miley’s words say more about her than Petro.”

Romero assured that on previous occasions when Miley had insulted President Petro, Colombian President decided to reduce crimes, But this time he announced it The government is studying all necessary measures and decisions will be announced soon.

Truth is this Diplomatic relations between Argentina and Colombia have been tense since the coming to power of Javier Miley. In December 2023.

Recently, the Petro government called its Ambassador Romero for consultations following statements made by Miley to NTN24, in which he assured that The Colombian head of state “is a deadly plague to the Colombian people themselves.”

Gustavo Petro, President of Colombia


On that occasion, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia issued a statement in which it assured that Miley’s words “attack the honor of the first president, Which has been elected democratically and legitimately.

“President Meili’s words ignore and violate the deep ties of friendship, understanding and cooperation that have historically united Colombia and Argentina and which have grown stronger over two centuries,” the Foreign Ministry said at the time.

President Miley’s words ignore and violate deep ties of friendship

Romero also spoke at the time and assured: “We can think differently, but the historical brotherhood of the region and our people must be above differences.”

Since that incident, Colombia’s ambassador to Argentina leaves Buenos Aires And is located in the Colombian region. The Colombian Embassy in Buenos Aires, according to Natasha Nebiskiquiat, a journalist for the Argentinian newspaper Clarín. It is currently in the hands of Inés Elvira Herrera, Charge d’Affaires.

The same journalist reminded that relations between Colombia and Argentina are important for both countries. Clarin says that Colombia, “is the second destination of Argentina’s automobile exports after Brazil, And sales of Argentine wine are increasing significantly.

What other topics did Miley talk about on CNN?

Argentina’s President, Javier Miley.


In the interview with CNN, which according to the said network lasted about 50 minutes, the Argentine President also talked about the constant criticism Israel receives from the international community for the war in Gaza and attacks on the Palestinian territory.

Miley has been a staunch defender of the Jewish homeland and, in fact, visited Israel in February on his first foreign trip as president. In his conversation with the Oppenheimer Presents program, the libertarian assured that “Israel is not committing a single excess.”

The President also talked about his meeting with former United States President Donald Trump, which took place at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Locally, he spoke about his policies to fight against drug trafficking in Argentina.

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