Crack in the first command of the capital: the leadership of the largest criminal gang in South America split into two

PCC is experiencing a historic breakdown

He First Capital Command (PCC), South America’s most powerful criminal gang, which originated in Brazil, is facing a historic rift among its senior leaders This threatens to turn the streets of San Pablo into a violent witch hunt.

Born in prisons 30 years ago and today dedicated to drug trafficking, mainly cocaine, PCC is facing unprecedented internal conflict within its leadership that could weaken its national and regional hegemony.

Never in front of the top leader of the group, Marcos Villains Herbas Camacho, better known as “Marcola”Currently imprisoned in a maximum security prison, he was interrogated by other leaders of the organization, as he told efe Official source.

Marcos Villains Herbas Camacho, aka “Marcola”

This suspicion is already widespread among Brazilian officials Marcola dissidents have established a separate gangwhich will be called first pure orderHowever, some experts consider that possibility far-fetched.

The bigger fear is that this struggle for power will open a path Bloody war in the streets and prisons of the state of San Pablo, its headquarters, where it is estimated The PCC has 10,000 members, of which 2,000 are at large.,

He said at least two recent murders and “some missing persons” linked to the fighting were already being investigated. efe prosecutor Lincoln GakiaJoe San Pablo’s Public Ministry has been pursuing the gang for more than 20 years.

Photo of a wall with graffiti pointing to the criminal gang First Command of the Capitol in San Pablo (EFE/Isaac Fontana)

The fracture was sought by the Prosecutor’s Office, because in 2019, they decided to transfer and separate 22 leaders of the first and second regions. Many of them were members of the call final tuningA sort of council of wise men of the PCC, its highest decision-making body.

In permanent isolation, communication deteriorated and suspicion spread between them after several leaders were assassinated in recent years, the deaths “created a certain internal lack of love”, says Gakia.

Disbelief erupted when Marcola gave a statement to a prison officer in which he called his number two a “psychopath”. Roberto Soriano, nicknamed “Tirika”The latter was used to sentence him to 31 years in prison for ordering the death of a psychologist.

“In the world of crime there is no such communication, even knowing that it is being recorded. Ultimately he handed it over to a colleague,” analyzes Gakia.

This was the last straw. Next to Tirica, frustrated by Marcola, stood two other historical bosses of the PCC: Abel Pacheco de Andrade, “Vida Loca”And Wanderson Nilton, “Andinho” by Paula Lima,

All three have threatened to kill Marcola, who, still as the official supreme leader of the PCC, responded by issuing an execution order calling his now enemies “traitors”.

The gap is widening because at least two other important kingpins, Jose Muller Jr., better known as “Granada”And Reinaldo Teixeira dos Santos, nicknamed “Funchal”According to researchers, , has also favored Tirika with a vindictive profile.

,There are two groups and one of them will prevail. PCC will never be the samesays Gakiya, who reveals that relatives of some gang members have gone to the police station in search of safety out of fear of being killed by the rival party.

In his opinion, the PCC, with branches in practically all countries of South America, especially Bolivia and Paraguay, would emerge “weak”.

for though bruno pace“The names are no longer so important” because “the structure remains,” said researchers from the Center for Violence Studies at the University of São Paulo (USP).

,Marcola is a very strong man, his myth continues, but the PCC has learned to create a bureaucratic structure outside and inside the prisons so as not to have to rely on the support of leaders in isolation.“, indicate efe,

Gakia also does not believe that this will have an excessive impact on international operations, as the Italians’ Ndrangheta and their sophisticated drug trafficking networks operate very well in alliance with “Albanian, Serbian” and African criminals to export drugs to Europe. Are.

“One enters and the other leaves,” he summarizes.


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