Cuba is the third country with the highest number of Asturians abroad

Cuba has emerged as the third country that welcomes the most immigrants from abroad. In fact, more than half of these descendants worldwide are concentrated in Argentina, Mexico, and the islands.

official data indicate that the number of Asturians abroad increased by 2.9% last year. There are now 142,275 descendants of that region of Spain living abroad.

The Asturian Society of Economic and Industrial Studies (SADEI) conducted an in-depth analysis of the topic.

Research showed that the Americas bring together most of the Asturian people in the world, with 77%, followed by Europe, with 21%.

Argentina leads this list

Argentina leads the list of countries hosting the most Asturians abroad. 34,362 people live in that South American nation, followed by Mexico with 25,077.

In third place is Cuba with 16,822. If we add the three figures, it turns out about 54% of Spaniards living abroad are registered in Asturias.

If we analyze the data recorded last year, Cuba ranks second among countries with new registrations, with 1,474. Mexico tops the list with 2,043, and Argentina is third with 1,025.

The number of emigrants abroad has increased since 2009; Since then it has increased by 74.8%. Of these, 60% are between 16 and 64 years of age, although 10% are over 85 years of age. Meanwhile, the ratio between men and women is similar with 49% and 51% respectively.

This assessment was carried out taking into account the register of Spaniards living abroad. The registry includes registrations of Spaniards living outside that country.

79% of residents from outside Spain registered in Asturias were born abroad. Meanwhile, 19% in the state did so.

(Tags to translate)Asturians in Cuba

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