Cuba is the third country with the highest number of Asturians abroad

Cuba is the third country with the highest number of Asturians abroad

Cuba has emerged as the third country that welcomes the most immigrants from abroad. In fact, more than half of these descendants worldwide are concentrated in Argentina, Mexico, and the islands. official data indicate that the number of Asturians abroad increased by 2.9% last year. There are now 142,275 descendants of that region of Spain … Read more

It is not practiced in Spain

It is not practiced in Spain

Being able to fall asleep, get the necessary hours of sleep without interruption and wake up the next day with the full feeling that we have rested It is not an easy task For many. Insomnia or trouble sleeping, because we are thinking about something that worries us or because we go to bed without … Read more

Cesil completes strategic plan for personalized medicine

Cesil completes strategic plan for personalized medicine

Without haste, but without stopping, Piano, Piano, Castilla y León lays out its strategic plan for personalized therapy with well-woven wicker. It can claim to be one of the autonomous communities with the highest speed of implementation, a revolution with many challenges and a paradigm shift between classical medicine – focused on the disease – … Read more

New batch of Spanish passports to Honorary Vice Consulates in Cuba

New batch of Spanish passports to Honorary Vice Consulates in Cuba

The Consulate General of Spain in Havana informed the Honorary Vice Consulates in Santa Clara, Camagüey and Santiago de Cuba about the arrival of a new batch of passports. These documents correspond to requests made between October 27, 2023 and February 21, 2024, both dates inclusive. they communicated this Friday. According to the information provided, … Read more

Last Minute! Appointments for Spanish nationality expanded at Havana Consulate

New batch of Spanish passports to Honorary Vice Consulates in Cuba

Spanish Consulate in Havana announced The extension of appointments for applications for Spanish nationality by Laws 36 and 20 begins on 18 March. IMPORTANT (See image attached at the end), Reserved appointments cannot be canceled or extended. Identity card number will be verified before appointment. The first comments from the community revolved around the following: … Read more

Revitalize body and mind in Benicassim

Revitalize body and mind in Benicassim

Revitalize body and mind in spring Spring brings with it a natural impulserejuvenation and welfareNot only for physical purification, but also for internal purification of body and mind. Palasiat Thalasso Clinic and Hotel Positioned as an ideal destination for those looking to rejuvenate themselves through comprehensive detoxification programSpecially designed to improve the quality of life … Read more

The new agreement will facilitate legalization and other civil registry services

The new agreement will facilitate legalization and other civil registry services

Cuban TV Information System journalist Lázaro Manuel Alonso shares encouraging news about the procedures for Spain in Cuba. According to Advertisement Facebook, the Cuban Ministry of Justice and Spain’s College of Administrative Managers have signed a cooperation agreement that covers several aspects. Firstly, Ministry of Justice entities will be provided with computer equipment to improve … Read more

“It is a problem for the whole of Spain, the only country where this is not characteristic”

“It is a problem for the whole of Spain, the only country where this is not characteristic”

They demand degrees in medicine and laboratory genetics in the Murcia region: “It is a problem for the whole of Spain, the only country without this specialty”it genetics “Essential for the prevention, treatment, diagnosis and management of all diseases that have a genetic basis“, As cancermalformations or reproductive problems, as well rare diseasescardiological, neurological And … Read more