Cuban reveals police response after reporting knife attack on his son

CubitaNOW Editorial ~ Sunday 28 January 2024

A Cuban mother has revealed the response she was given by police after reporting harassment with knives in the eastern province of Santiago de Cuba.

In statements to Yosmani Mayetta Labrada, the woman said that the police were apparently washing their hands and ignoring her complaint.

“If they hadn’t done anything to him, they couldn’t have done anything,” police responded to Leonor Velazquez, who described the violent assault, which included her son, her son’s girlfriend, her younger brother, and a neighbor. Were. Abel Santamaria Reparto took place in the same building, known as the Salão, at the beginning of the night.

The reporter told that his son’s name is Miguel Angel Felizola Vasquez and he is 14 years old.

“My son walked past the house around 7:55 pm with his girlfriend, my 13-year-old brother and a friend from the same building. They went to eat pizza at a nearby kiosk they call El Clasico. There is a park next to it which is a little dark, they sit there and wait to eat pizza. After a few minutes passed, 2 men and a woman came out of the side door armed with knives, my child could not see their faces due to fear and they ran away,” he said.

“My husband and I ran, but when we turned, my son ran in front of us. I quickly took her home and then my husband and I set out to look for the police, because there is no sector in Micro II district, it is in Micro III, very far from my house,” she said.

“The officer told me that if nothing had happened, they could not do anything, I should go to the police station which is very far, where I would have to take transport and I told him what transport I was going to go with at that time, “They told me there was nothing they could do if my son had not seen her face, and even less if they had done nothing to him,” he insisted.

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