Cubans collect rice and beans from the ground at the Havana Agricultural Fair

An Internet user condemned the unfortunate scene caused by a group of Cubans who collected rice and beans from land confiscated from a seller of agricultural products at a fair in Havana.

The incident occurred on Friday in the Rio Verde neighborhood of the capital municipality of Boyerosa, when an inspector, in coordination with the National Revolutionary Police, confiscated products from a self-employed man accused of violating price limits, Facebook profile ” The Edge Told in “Con El Other”.

As the publication notes, the seller, “angry and very upset, threw a portion of the merchandise on the ground in protest”.

Similarly, he regrets that in the face of this fact, instead of showing solidarity with the seller who behaved unjustly, people stooped to pick up scattered grains from the ground.

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The profile questions why the Cuban regime increased the price of fuel fivefold on Friday, but also punished and attacked anyone who changed the prices of any product.

He also condemned that “the government has continuously opened fire against small entrepreneurs, sales centres, cafeterias, street vendors etc.” To divert attention from your financial measures.

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“The economic solution of communism lies precisely in this. In the alleged liberation of the (controlled, repressed, unbalanced, absurdly manipulated according to its norms and sanctions), of course, always applying the law of the funnel to those who can. Wide mouthed and undone, part of the trickle for Cuba on foot“, he says.

Similarly, he asks that the Cuban not “to further humiliate“: “Stop kneeling on dirty floors to collect garbage and make a moment of happiness out of another’s misfortune,” he insists.

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Similar images were seen in Santiago de Cuba this week, as children and adults struggled with severe shortages collect vegetable oil From the road after dropping the product at the warehouse.

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