Daniel Habif responds to Diosdado Cabello: “I will be in Caracas” (Video)


The Mexican speaker, Daniel Habif, responded to comments made this Thursday by the vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, who in his program “Con el Mazo Dando” made reference to his next visit to Caracas. As part of the World Tour Ascender 2024.

By: Alberto News

Through a video published on his social networks, Habif said: “Well, in my right of reply, as a free citizen, I would like to make the following comment to Lieutenant Diosdado Cabello, who in recent days Mentioned me on a Venezuelan television program.”

“As to the first point, I am a writer and speaker, I am not a preacher, if you want to call me a preacher, I am a preacher of human rights, I am a preacher of human freedom, however I am a man of Christ. Follows, and who loves God deeply, “I’m not a preacher,” he said.

In view of this, he said: “Secondly, I would like to save your time so that you do not look for the promoter who will allegedly take me to Venezuela, you will not find him, for a very obvious reason, he does not exist. There is no company in all of Venezuela that has a contract with me.

Daniel Habif also indicated that: “Thirdly, I never thought about going to Venezuela to return to a conference with ticket sales, I never thought about touching the pockets of Venezuelans who are Having been through so much hardship all these years.”

Therefore, he reiterated that he is coming to Venezuela because it has been his wish for many years, “It was a dream and it is also my wish, and with my own resources.” “I have a strong interest in raising awareness about suicide across America.”

You can read the full note here alberto news

(TagstoTranslate)Caracas(T)Daniel Habif(T)Diosdado Cabello(T)Venezuela

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