Death toll from Iranian consulate bombing in Damascus rises to 13 as Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei demands revenge

Smoke after an Israeli attack – according to Iranian media – on a building near the Iranian embassy in Damascus (Reuters/Firas Makdessi)

Death toll in attack on Iranian Consulate in Damascus increased to 13Seven of them are Iranian and six Syrian, Iranian state media reported this Tuesday, while the Persian regime warned it would retaliate israelWhich blames the facts.

“The death toll has risen to 13.”“Seven of them are Iranian military advisers and six are Syrian citizens,” Iran’s state television said, citing a source close to the Iranian ambassador to Syria. Hussain Akbari,

The bodies of seven Iranian Revolutionary Guards have been recovered from the debris.along with the dead bodies Four Syrians.

The Israeli Consulate in Damascus looked this way after an attack attributed to Israel

Rescue efforts are underway to find the lifeless bodies of the other two Syrian civilians.

The Iranian Consulate building in Damascus was destroyed in this attack. Seven members of the Revolutionary Guard diedThese also include Brigadier General, head of the Quds Force in Syria and Lebanon. Mohammad Raza Zahediand his second, Brigadier General Mohammed Hadi Hajj Rahimi,

It also includes five other Revolutionary Guards, As confirmed by the specific military body.

The Consulate building was reduced to one mountain of debris The explosions blew out windows from nearby buildings and incinerated cars parked on the side of the road in a leafy, upscale suburb of the city.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei (WANA/Reuters)

Iran has vowed to take revenge from Israelthe one who blames The bloodiest attack ever against Iranian forces in Syria in 2024To date, eight deaths have been recorded due to Israeli bombardment, including two Generals of the Revolutionary Guard.

“The evil regime (Israel) will be punished by our brave people. “We will, with the help of God, make them repent for this crime and other similar crimes.”Assured the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, This is a statement.

Iranian President, Ibrahim Raisicondemned the attack “Clear violation of international standards” He “Will not remain unanswered.”

“After repeated defeats and failures against the faith and will of the Resistance Front fighters, the Zionist regime has added blind killings to its agenda in the fight to save itself,” Raisi said on his office’s website.

The Islamic Republic of Iran and Israel are arch enemiesThreaten mutual survival, compete for regional hegemony and maintain a covert war with cyber attacks, assassinations and sabotage.

Israel declined to comment on Monday’s attack in DamascusThat escalated tensions in the Middle East, which were already heightened by the Gaza war and violence linked to Iranian-backed groups in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

He UN Security Council They were to discuss the attack at a meeting on Tuesday requested by Syria’s ally Russia.

Iran’s mission to the United Nations gave this warning The attack “could potentially lead to further conflicts with other countries.”and called on the Security Council “to condemn this unjustified criminal act.”

Picture of Soleimani at the Damascus embassy (Reuters/Firas Makdessi)

Iran has also accused AmericaIsrael’s main sponsor, to be responsible for the attackAlthough an unnamed US official has been cited by the news site axios He insisted that Washington was “not involved” or had prior knowledge of the attack.

Iranian Foreign Minister, amir-abdullahianX said the ministry had summoned a diplomat from the Swiss Embassy, ​​which handles US interests in Iran.

“An important message has been sent to the US government as a supporter of the Zionist regime,” he said in an email. “America must be held accountable.”

At the site of the explosion in Damascus, the facade of the Iranian embassy is decorated with a large painting Qasim SulemaniA veteran Quds Force chief who was killed in a US drone strike outside Baghdad airport in January 2020.

Iran’s allies expressed their support.

“China condemns the attack”Foreign Ministry spokesperson said, wang wenbinWho said that “the security of diplomatic institutions cannot be violated and Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity must be respected.”

foreign Ministry Iraq It condemned the attack as a “gross violation of international law” and warned of “further chaos and instability” in the region.

lebanese group Hezbollah, Supported by iran, He warned that Israel would pay for the killing of the Guard commanders, adding that “this crime will not pass without the enemy receiving punishment and revenge.”

Russia Israeli aviation blamed “Unacceptable attack against Iranian consular mission in Syria.”

On my part, the spokesperson of European UnionPeter Stano declared that “in this regional situation of great tension, it is indeed extremely important to show restraint, because a new escalation in the region benefits no one.”

(With information from EFE and AFP)

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