Deputy school director in Cuba accused of mistreating a disabled student

CubitaNOW Editorial ~Wednesday 28 February 2024

The deputy director of the Panchito Gómez Toro Polytechnic in Holguín has been accused by a mother of raping her disabled daughter.

The woman said that her daughter is 15 years old and her mental age is said to be 10 years.

Everything allegedly happened on September 7 when the officer took her to a classroom and abused her there.

In a letter sent to the editorial office of CyberCubaThe woman said prosecutor Álvaro Wilfredo Sánchez Domínguez rejected a request for preventive detention for the accused, whom she identified as Miguel Antonio RS.

The woman lamented, “Today I realized that the difference between being sexually violated or not between the ages of 12 and 18 depends on one word: consent. Today I feel helpless, disappointed, but not defeated.” “

He indicated, “The officials we trust to provide justice and control are filled with prejudices, insensitivity and a rush to eliminate and inflate a statistic.”

The mother learned this fact from one of her daughter’s friends, who told her what had happened. After her bitter experience, the girl changed, she began to have nightmares and talk in her sleep.

“Shiksha worked fast and well and has a very good and complete file. The people who are sleeping and spoiling the case are in the police. Shiksha investigated thoroughly and immediately tried to remove it from the system. “Decided. I have no complaints from the administrative side.” ” Cuban told the above media.

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