Categories: Health

Do seven exercises every morning and stay healthy

Do you wake up like a spring in the morning, ready to jump and run? Of course the opposite happens and when you get up you feel stiff or stiff, which goes away after a while. Although this stiffness is associated with aging and health disorders like arthritis, it is also a normal thing that can happen to anyone.

During sleep we remain in a relatively stable state that lasts for several hours. This lack of motion can cause the synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints, to distribute less efficiently. As a result, the joints become stiff. When we are awake, movement slowly circulates the synovial fluid and lubricates the joints.

This is really the key to getting rid of this feeling: movement. It’s one of those things we do instinctively when we wake up: stir in bed or stretch our arms above our head. All these activities are helping our joints function better faster.

More than static stretches, the exercises that help lubricate our joints are dynamic: slow, controlled movements that seek to expand the range of motion. Various studies indicate that yoga activities and asanas, for example, can help reduce chronic pain. A good way to measure these activities is to start in bed before you even get up. Then we can sit on the bed and finally lie down on the floor.

happy child

Bailey’s Baby Pose (also known as Ananda Balasana), is a common stretch in yoga and Pilates. This can be done on a bed or on a mat on the floor. Without lifting your head or shoulders, lift your bent legs and hold your feet with your feet wide apart. If we don’t get there, we may catch a hamstring. After this we slowly move from one side to the other.


We can also do this classic position lying on the bed or on the floor. This exercise stretches the back and strengthens the glutes, which are essential muscles for good posture. We lie face up with our knees bent and the soles of our feet resting on the floor. We contract our abdominal muscles and lift our hips off the ground until they are in line with our knees and shoulders. We maintain the position for three deep breaths.

arms above head

Sitting or standing on the bed, we raise our arms above our head and clasp our hands, with our palms facing the ceiling, trying to stretch our arms upward as much as possible. An alternative version involves holding each elbow with the opposite hand, again above the head, and trying to separate them as far as possible from the shoulders. To finish, we slowly release our hands and lower our arms to form a circle.

deep squat

The ability to bend and relax into a sitting position with the soles of the feet on the floor and the lower back below the knees is something all children can do, but it has been lost over the years due to sitting in chairs. However, it is a great way to keep your back strong, flexible and pain-free.

Start in a normal squat position, but with your feet slightly wider and your toes slightly turned out. Lower your body and push your hips back, as if you were to sit on a very low seat or stool, until your hips go as low as possible without lifting your heels.

child’s pose

Child’s pose helps to stretch the back and hip muscles, in yoga it is called Shishuasana or Balasana. You can do this asana on a carpet or mat on the floor. We sit with our knees on the floor or a mat and sit on our heels with our arms at our sides. After this we slowly bend forward until the stomach touches the thighs, keeping the buttocks as close to the heels as possible. We move our hands forward by placing our palms on the floor. We relax the neck and gently rest the forehead on the floor. When we close our eyes and breathe we relax the entire body.


Cat and Cow Stretch (Chakrakasana) is a basic part of yoga and involves moving the spine from a rounded (flexed) to an arched (extended) position. Each movement is performed in conjunction with inhalation or exhalation, which improves the spine and abdomen.

We start on all fours with our hands and knees on the floor. While inhaling and moving into cow pose, the waist bones lift up, we press the chest down and keep the stomach down while raising the head, shoulders remain relaxed away from the ears and we look ahead. .

While exhaling, we adopt cat pose, rounding the spine outward, pulling the tailbone inward and bringing the pubis forward. The head is left loosely downwards, but without placing the chin on the chest.


The Bird Dog exercise strengthens the muscles of the torso, hips and back, helps relieve lower back pain and promotes correct posture. Targets the entire body to increase range of motion. Extend your right leg backward, keeping your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. At the same time, we extend our left arm forward parallel to the ground. We maintain the position for between two and ten seconds and repeat on the other side. We do several repetitions with each side.

None of these exercises cause pain or put excessive strain on our muscles and tendons. On the contrary, it should be a relaxing and enjoyable practice.

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