Do you have to hit rock bottom to find happiness?

The fight against Ferran Cases (@ferrancases on Instagram) Worry It started at the age of 15 and culminated in physical paralysis at the age of 21. This setback became a call to action for him. He now leads the ‘Goodbye Anxiety’ center where, along with a team of psychologists, he guides others in the fight against this problem.

Lecturer, author and popularizer, Casey has written works such as ‘Goodbye Worry’, ‘The Brains of Happy People’, ‘At the Peak of Happiness’, ‘The Big Little Book of Worry’ and through his workshops he has helped hundreds of people. to overcome Worry, Now he blends humor and reflection with stories to inspire and bring smiles, exploring new ideas such as ‘Yes to (almost) everything’ with which he asks: What if you already have Is that what you need to be happy?

Ferran Cases, author of ‘Yes to (Almost) Everything’

Antonio Navarro Wijkmark

In a world where everyone pressures you to try harder, to accumulate more “successful habits”, here’s the hard truth: You are already fully armed. What you already do every day has the potential to take you to another level. That’s why the author explains that her book ‘Yes to (Almost) Everything’ (Diana/Planeta) is a “direct punch” at the toxic mindset that invites you to think you always need more.

While others are still looking for the next big move or trend, you’ll be giving your life a new lease of life with the same tips. habits Which you are already practicing. Less effort. More impact. less noise. More actions. Therefore, his book is a call authenticityTo recognize and enhance what you already have.

Journalists Laura Pintos and Raquel Alcolea, with Ferran Cases during the recording of the podcast ‘Abecedario del Bienstar’


Recording, editing and editing: Iñigo Martín Siordia and Blanca Nava.

Coordination: Andrea Moran.

Interview and production: Laura Pintos and Raquel Alcolia.

Other episodes of ‘Abecedario del Bienstar’ related to this topic:

– Techniques for creating a mindset focused on good luck. With Alex Rovira.

– Do you really know what makes you happy? It will take you where it hurts most. With Buenaventura del Charco.

– Mental Noise and Dark Clouds: How to Find Inner Peace to Be Happier. With Belen Colomina.

-The secret of happiness, according to Mario Alonso Puig.

All episodes of ‘Abecedario del Bienstar’ can be found on the main audio platforms, such as Spotify, Ivoox, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and Podimo. They are also available on YouTube.

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