Dollar and euro sales reach new records in Cuba

As has been the case since slightly before the second half of January, when the Cuban government announced the implementation of a “package” of economic measures, the euro and the dollar have maintained an upward trend in the unofficial currency market. island.

this Sunday, the touch reports an increase of US currency Three pesos higher than last Friday, another day when currencies reached record prices The price is 279 Cuban pesos,

Whereas, The euro reached an average of 284 pesos today in unofficial salesTwo pesos more than in recent times.

With these prices, both the currencies show their growth, While the freely convertible currency (MLC), remains unchanged this Sunday and is sold at 250 rupiah.,

The return of the dollar, euro and MLC to their previous values ​​was uncertain after the beginning of the Cuban government’s crusade against the unofficial selling and buying of these currencies.

However, they now seem to have overcome the temporary decline in their values ​​in the informal market.

For several months the Cuban regime has been trying to shift blame the touch Promoting a higher exchange rate – in the government’s opinion – harms the Cuban economy and increases inflation on the island.

The temporary decline affecting the three reference currencies began on December 22, just two days after Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz’s announcement. The official dollar rate will be changed in Cuba starting this January,

At the time Marrero Cruz did not specify what the new price would be nor the exact date when it would come into effect. By this 21st January Cuban authorities have not made any official announcement on this issue.,

reference rate of the touch It is prepared after analyzing purchase and sale advertisements published on social networks and classified websites. From this result, a value is established that is used to know the values ​​of the major currencies circulating in the country.

(TagstoTranslate)MLC(T)News from Cuba(T)Cuban Peso(T)Currency exchange in Cuba(T)Euro(T)Cuban currency exchange(T)Dollarization in Cuba(T)Penya(T)Dollar(T)Cuba Economy

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