Dollar Today: Strong rise in Superpeso, dollar price for Friday, February 9, 2024 is explained like this

He gets stronger! He mexican peso This Friday, February 9, at the end of the second week of the second month of 2024, With an increase of 0.24% or 4 cents from the previous day.

According to a media report bloombergOn this day, the Mexican peso cut gains after learning of a decline in industrial production in December, indicating an economy under high levels of interest pressure.

Supervet, he says bloomberglocated this morning 17.10 pesos per Dollar bulk.

The media also report that in the overnight session, the exchange rate showed volatility with a bearish bias. Yesterday, the currency trimmed the week’s gains until the release from the Banco meeting, which reinforced a more restrictive outlook if the next inflation data moves away from the 3% objective, experts at the financial group say. Monex.

Dollar to peso exchange rates at the main banks of Mexico today, February 9:

  • Banco Azteca buys at 16.10 and sells at 17.55
  • BBVA Bancomer buys at 16.28 and sells at 17.42
  • Banort buys at 16.00 and sells at 17.40
  • Citibanmex buys at 16.64 and sells at 17.59
  • Scotiabank buys at 16.81 and sells at 17.46

Don’t forget that the dollar rate is updated throughout the day.

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