Dress code enforced by SIEM while carrying out procedures

Office of the Administrative Service of Identity, Migration and Immigration (SAMMI). , Photo: AVN

The Administrative Service for Identification, Migration and Immigration (SIEM) is the entity in charge of identification and documentation of citizens in Venezuela. While visiting the offices it is important to keep in mind the dress code that must be followed.

by diario 2001

According to Saime regulations, citizens are advised to dress in a formal and presentable manner.

The identity body asks users to avoid wearing sports clothes, shorts, sandals, caps and sleeveless T-shirts.

Similarly, wearing leggings, overalls, ripped pants, shirts with low necklines or cuts above the navel are prohibited from entering the facilities.

Additionally, motorized riders will have to remove their helmets while entering SIME offices.

proper clothing

Likewise, it is suggested to choose appropriate clothing for access to the above body features, such as formal pants or skirts (not miniskirts), shirts, blouses or jackets.

Similarly, the dress code is regulated by footwear, as they cannot access the unit’s facilities wearing beach sandals or similar items.

These standards are set to maintain a respectful and professional environment.

Users who do not comply with these guidelines will not be able to attend, so if they have a scheduled appointment they will have to reschedule it.

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