Ecuador registers more than 5,600 detainees in 26 days of its war against criminal gangs

After 26 days of the fight against criminal gangs in Ecuador, already more than 5,600 criminals have been detained (Europa Press)Europa Press

Ecuador celebrates his 26th Conflict against criminal gangs in the country with a balance of More than 5,600 prisoners, under the orders of the President Daniel NoboaWhich declared “internal armed conflict” and asked security forces to take measures to restore order, about 68,707 successful operations have already been conducted.

Among them, thousands of criminals were reduced, 237 of whom were charged with alleged terrorism after their ties to one of the 22 gangs were confirmed, declared non-state belligerent actors.

At the same time, 1,864 firearms, 2,628 knives, 1,020 weapon feeders, over 93,000 bullets and approximately 10,000 explosives were seized, ready to be used in attacks on public streets. On the other hand, more than 41.7 tonnes of drugs and more than $117,000 in cash were seized.

Thanks to these raids, more attacks and terrorist acts were prevented, thirteen of which were recorded on public and private infrastructure, and another similar number on police establishments.

The raids seized thousands of weapons, bullets and about 10,000 explosives, ready for use in attacks on public roads (EFE).efe

The operations also made it possible to find 28 boats, including a submersible, which was loaded with drugs and inside which a man was found. Three Colombians who were arrested and are in preventive detention Until their status in the country becomes clear and their relations with these gangs are established.

The remaining funds were also reported this Saturday by Ecuadorian authorities murder of two police officers In the last 26 days another 11 were released after being abducted by these terrorists.

The security crisis in Ecuador reached its peak in early January when two criminal leaders escaped from the prisons where they were being held. Fabricio Colon Picoleader of Los Lobos, and Jose “Fito” Adolfo MaciasLos Choneros, managed to escape from prison and started a new chapter in the wave of violence in the country.

Los Lobos leader Fabricio Colón Pico, one of the highest-ranking criminals, escaped in early January and triggered a new wave of violence in Ecuador.

Following these events, there were riots in prisons that ended with the kidnapping of about 200 prison officers, explosions and burning of cars on sidewalks, and even the takeover of a television channel by hooded armed men.

In response, Noboa ordered the police to make every possible effort to restore order and appealed to the countries usa, who wasted no time in expressing their support and being available. Even, since January 23, Joe Biden’s presidential advisor for the US, christopher doddand Chief of Southern Command, laura richardsonHeld meetings with local authorities that provided equipment and funding for law enforcement, and progress was made with the layout of a five-year security plan based on a maritime cooperation agreement.

“We have several things that we have done with Ecuador recently. For example, the security assistance roadmap – called ESAR – with Ecuador (…) It implies a five-year plan, it establishes the roadmap for security cooperation that we will do. We have created a bilateral defense working group and that is how we have exchanges between the Pentagon and Ecuador,” Richardson indicated a few days ago.

(with information from EFE)

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