El País: Chavismo prepares to attack NGOs

Photo provided by the press office of the Miraflores Palace showing Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro during the issuance of notification to the National Executive of the new legislative period 2024-2025 in Caracas (Venezuela). Maduro assured this Monday that his country forced Guyana to talk about the dispute that both countries have about 160,000 square kilometers of territory “through votes”, ahead of a unilateral referendum on December 3. After which Venezuela was approved to annex the territory. EFE/Miraflores Press/Editorial use only/available only for accompanying news (mandatory credit)

The Law on the Supervision, Regularization, Performance and Financing of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), a feared initiative that could weaken the performance of civil associations in Venezuela, and which was criticized in joint statements by 400 national and international organizations Has been. Entered the second debate in the Venezuelan Parliament, controlled by Chavismo since 2020, in which the Venezuelan opposition did not participate.

for the country

As the year entered, the President of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, ordered the priorities of the moment and asked delegates to begin a process of public consultation to enrich the bill, which was presented by Diosdado Cabello, in 2023. , and it was approved in the first discussion itself.

This law could go into effect this year, which is an election year in Venezuela. “It is the duty of the National Assembly to consult with all Venezuelans and the organizations covered by that law, so that another meaningful discussion can take place,” Rodríguez said in the debate session.

Since the time of Hugo Chávez in 2005, Venezuela’s ruling United Socialist Party (PSUV) has been publicly debating any legal document that would limit or deny the content of Venezuelan NGOs, especially those that Raise questions on the performance of the government.

The NGO supervision law being discussed in the National Assembly, experts warn, goes too far in terms of controls and regulations compared to previous international cooperation initiatives promoted by Chavista deputy Eva Golinger more than a decade ago .

With widespread volunteerism, the universe of civic associations and NGOs still has strength in the social fabric of the country, and they have exercised effective control over Chavismo’s violations and excesses in matters such as human rights, administrative transparency, corruption, environmental management . Freedom of expression or information on social violence.

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