Emily Blunt, Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep reunite after 18 years

Emily Blunt, Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep meet on the SAG Awards stage. A sequence that reminded fans of the iconic film “The Devil Wears Prada.”

Nearly twenty years later, the iconic trio is back. This Saturday, February 24, Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway and Emily Blunt met on the stage of the SAG Awards in Los Angeles to present an award. A reunion that reminded fans of the movie “The Devil Wears Prada,” in which Meryl Streep plays Miranda Priestly, editor-in-chief of “Runaway” magazine.

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To the delight of fans, the trio came together to announce the SAG Awards for Best Actor in a Comedy. Meryl Streep was the first to appear on stage amid thunderous applause from the audience. “I forgot my glasses and my envelope,” she announced into the microphone. Just then Emily Blunt and Anne Hathaway ran to him with glasses and an envelope. The arrival of the two actresses on stage apparently made not only the room laugh, but also Internet users, who felt like reliving a scene from David Frankel’s iconic film. And one thing is for sure, all three played the game.

“Meryl and Miranda Priestly are like twins”

Following this notable entrance to the stage, Emily Blunt and Anne Hathaway reprized their roles as Emily Charlton and Andy Sachs, Miranda Priestly’s two devoted assistants. “It’s an old question: Where does the actor end and the character begin? », Merrill wonders…

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(Tags to translate) Anne Hathaway (T) Meryl Streep (T) Miranda Priestly (T) Emily Blunt (T) The Devil Wears Prada (T) Cult Film

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