Expelled from medicine for being a quadriplegic: “They put pressure on me”

Theodora Dumitru Three years ago he dreamed of studying Degree in Medicine at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)Occupying one of the places reserved for students with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33 percent, which represents 5 percent of the vacancies available in Spain. victim Cerebral palsy with tetraplegia and spastic speech, and assured that during the first two courses “all teachers have looked for the best solutions so that it can be properly evaluated.” They also say that they have received all the necessary adaptations in matters such as access to the building as well as the development of practical exercises.

However, their situation has changed drastically with the beginning of third year of university, in which medical students undertake hospital internships for the first time. For this he chose Doce de Octubre University Hospital Since it has the best communication with the house. However, when he arrived he found only obstaclesThe pavilion built for students lacks access ramp. and toilets adapted for wheelchairs. On the first day he was helped by two colleagues to get in and out, which was later taken care of by his brother, who accompanied him to the Madrid hospital on several occasions.

“The hospital’s teaching pavilion is not accessible. You have to climb stairs to enter, it does not have adapted toilets and the library is on the first floor. Obviously, there is no lift.”

University refuses to adopt medical practices

After knowing this situation, The university itself brought Dumitru along with the vice dean. From the Medical Faculty and Hospital: “They told me this i have to leave the race Because they couldn’t customize the practices for me,” he recalls. The specific reason they gave them is that “They do not have technical and human resources So that I can tailor hospital practice to each student”, as the student herself explains.

She recalls this meeting as a “pretty intimidating” moment, in which she felt “pressured” to find herself alone in front of three vice deans. he also maintains He felt that he had been left “without argument” How shocked and overwhelmed she was at that moment. “When you see that your dream and your efforts to get here may be in vain, you can forget that in the end it’s about you right to education“, he says.

“When you see that your dream and your efforts to get here may be in vain, you can forget that in the end it is about your right to study.”

Intention to cancel registration from UCM

After trying to mediate in every possible way with both institutions and their repeated refusals, he decided to turn to external organizations: “I have contacted an association that protects the rights of people with cerebral palsy. protects and “We have prepared a request for adaptations for both the building and the practices.”, explain. For its part, the Faculty reacted to this formal request with an even more harsh decision. Action taken to cancel registration Dumitru elaborated that he could not acquire the skills necessary to graduate.

Time has stopped for him for now, at least as far as his training is concerned No additional information found, “Everything has stopped, I also had exams this week and I don’t even know if I will be able to do them or not. I don’t even know if I’m still a student or not“, he explained. In search of a solution, they have taken legal measures with the sole purpose of “studying and stopping the process of canceling the registration”, he concluded.

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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