Family Medicine calls for the price of a pack of tobacco to increase to 12 euros under anti-smoking plan

The Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (semFYC) proposes Increase the price of a pack of tobacco to 12 euros Spain appreciates the anti-smoking plan drawn up by the Ministry of Health, and the idea of ​​extending the measures proven effective in tobacco also to new consumption devices.

Thus, in addition to other measures, they demand equalization of tobacco products, such as vapes or heated tobacco, with traditional tobacco in terms of taxation and regulation of locations; Expansion of smoke-free outdoor areas considering possible restrictions on consumption on the rooftops of establishments; Implementation of standard packaging; and a ban on smoking in private vehicles.

From the Preventive Activities and Health Promotion Program (PAPPS) they assure that “compared to 2010, Marked decline in tobacco consumptionAnd they say estimates suggest that “by raising the price of tobacco, smoking would decrease by 10 to 15%.”

Likewise, they remember that Spain is one of the EU member states that sells The cheapest packet of tobacco in the entire continent: The average cost of this product is 4.60 euros. At the other extreme is Ireland, where the price of a pack reaches 12.81 euros. One issue on which PAPPS argues is that the average price of a pack of cigarettes in Spain should be equal to that of neighboring France, where last December it was set at around 12 euros.

From PAPPS, they request “the participation and commitment of all ministries that can promote the scope of this measure” and add that “putting our country at the European level is in the hands of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance.” The level of commitment in the fight against smoking. He points specifically to the treasury, due to the fact that “in most European countries, tobacco taxation is between 80 and 90%, while in Spain, Taxes are marked at 51%,

Considering the importance of the measure and the need to revise taxation, PAPPS states that “it is necessary to coordinate with the Ministry of Finance Significant increase in tobacco taxes and align the taxation of nicotine delivery devices.”

Finally, semFYC urges progress towards greater equality of all forms of consumption, including an increase in taxes, standardization of designs and fragrances including health warnings, restrictions on its consumption in leisure venues and its advertising on the Internet. “The purpose of the new law was Dispelling the perception that heated tobacco is less harmful For people’s health, when this is not true” explains Vidal Burchillón, coordinator of semFYC’s Addressing Tobacco Working Group.

Heated tobacco is a product commonly used by adults, and all this directive does is to align the regulations with traditional tobacco products, so it is normal for them to have the same health warnings. “But this does not include electronic cigarettes and vapers, the use of which is more widespread among minors and younger people, resulting in risks to the health of the youngest people. We consider It is necessary that this be extended to this form of consumption also” adds Barchilon.


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