Family therapy, abandonment of MIR. Myth or reality?

Family and Community Medicine offered 2,455 places In the call for Specialized Health Training (FSE) 2023, of which 202 were vacant And, after the second round of elections, reduced to 131, Thus, it was the only specialty that registered spaces, but its defenders maintain that family and community medicine Presents a “positive competitive preference” compared to the rest of the specialties among MIR candidates”, according to Yoseba CanovasHead of Teaching at the Community Primary Care Directorate of the Catalan Health Institute (ICS) and leader of a study that assesses The attraction of exclusivity in the choice of locations in 2023,

“It’s a lie that family and community therapy is the ugly duckling of the MIR election”assured Canovas medical writing, Canovas, who is also a family doctor at the Passeig de Sant Joan Primary Care Center (Barcelona), says that the specialty offered 2,455 places, which Matches 28.7 percent of total places in the callAnd 5.3 percent of family medicine offers, and 1.5 percent of the total, remained unfilled.

“Among the MIR candidates who had the real opportunity to choose one of the 43 specialties available in the City of Barcelona or in Family and Community Medicine, In 75 percent of cases they chose family and community medicine“, Canovas explains. In that sense, “the scientific evidence based on the Competing Priorities Index leads us to conclude that family and community therapy is characterized by Attractive among MIR candidates,

In Barcelona, ​​the document concludes that the resident doctor They prefer to choose family and community therapy before Most laboratory specialties and central services. Similarly, it also shows that MIR first selected this feature most surgical Such as Thoracic, Cardiovascular, Pediatric, Vascular, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Neurosurgery, Otorhinolaryngology Surgery, General Surgery and Urology. And, in between medical specialtiesFamily and community medicine has a positive competitive priority with respect to 18 of the 22 specialties, representing 81 percent of specialties, placing it ahead of others including rheumatology, pulmonology, geriatrics, nephrology, endocrinology or internal medicine.

MIR Experience in Family Medicine

for its part, Lia Serawho received mir 2023 position 377 and chose family and community medicine at the primary care center in El Clot, indicating their satisfaction with choosing the specialty. ,Primary care values ​​were most consistent How that changed my way of looking at medicine and understanding health. I felt like this was the closest place where therapy was done and I I really liked the relationship of trust, follow and support “Health professionals are here with their patients,” he says.

Along these lines, Serra admits that “I was skeptical about seeing all the specialties there, but, once here, I believe that family and community medicine is the best specialization And I made a good decision.” After doing the rotation, MIR did not consider specializing until the final year of the degree. “I enjoyed the way in which the individual is taken into account in their entire context, both family and social. As, and that, in the end, They are the determinants of all people’s health” he concluded.

Family medicine compared to other specialties

Due to the needs of the family physician system, the number of MIR 2023 offer exceeds the average offer of other specialties by 18 timesWhich is 135 seats. If family and community medicine are compared to two general specialties, e.g. Internal Medicine and GeriatricsIn Barcelona, ​​the findings determined that The competitive preference index of the East is 68 percent,

When compared to geriatrics, the competitive preference index for family and community medicine is 85 percent, Thus, if Family and Community Medicine offered the average number of places among the remaining 45 specialties in this call twelfth will be over, In addition, among the first 2,000 candidates of the 2023 call, taking into account the absolute number of places selected, Family and Community Medicine has been placed 15th place among 46 specialties,

The competitive preference index is an indicator that has been used in studies to control Effect of inequality in supply of places of family and community medicine compared to other specialties. Thus, this option aims to reduce the impact of location and stronger comparison The five largest cities of Spain have been chosen, because they provide most of the specifications and have a sufficient number of locations to be able to compare them. Thus, This study has not been done in rural areas Because “Attraction is hard to measure According to Canovas, in some areas

However, Canovas acknowledges that this study, in which Innovation in using objective data To make comparisons between specifications, it should be extended to “previous years and this 2024 because will allow us to keep moving forward In a study of the attraction of family and community therapy”.

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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