Fans’ anger towards Megan Fox for attacking Chelsea will move you!

Chelsea’s detractors still haven’t spoken out over Chelsea’s comments about Megan Fox and Love Is Blind and fans are starting to get fed up.

At this point, even people who haven’t watched a single episode of Love Is Blind know about the fiasco with Megan Fox.

In the Season 6 pod, hopeful Bachelorette Chelsea Blackwell was chatting with her now-fiance Jimmy Presnell and she told him he’s been told she looks like an A-list celebrity, and he almost sparkles like a Christmas tree. .

After this statement of equality, Jimmy proposed to her and she accepted. However, as soon as the two met after the engagement, he called her a liar and said that she did not look like Megan Fox at all.

The fiasco went viral, to the extent that Chelsea personally reached out to the actress to apologize (and she has yet to respond). The controversy has still not subsided and fans have started feeling pity for him.

Love Is Blind fans are rallying in support of Chelsea

On 29 February, LIB viewers came to Chelsea’s defense and received all the negative reactions.

People keep writing hateful comments especially about her looks.

One fan wrote: “It’s one thing to say ‘I don’t think she looks like Megan Fox’ but making fun of her looks is another story. Not only does it upset her, but does anyone else in the world Also thinks about people who might be like him? »

Another fan said: “The internet should leave her alone. I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to take everything philosophically. I’m tired of people making fun of him. ,

Chelsea is currently seeing a therapist after the Season 6 premiere.

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