Fortnite will return to iPhone with the new Epic Games Store

Epic has already won an important battle, it will return with its official store and Fortnite will finally be available on iPhone

Fortnite will return to iPhone with the new Epic Games Store
Fortnite will be on iPhone sometime in 2024

Who would have bet that Fortnite would legally return to the iPhone in 2024? This will happen in European Union countries after Apple’s big announcement made yesterday regarding the alternative App Store. for its part, Epic Games has confirmed that Fortnite is coming back this year, although they’re not entirely happy, Epic CEO Tim Sweeney points out that this new plan is “full of junk rates.”

Fortnite will arrive on iPhone and iPad in the coming weeks

In a statement posted on X/Twitter, Fortnite will return to iOS in Europe, They will soon introduce details of the regulatory program They will still fight in courts and regulators around the world to see if Apple is breaking the law,

There will be an Epic Store and everything is said to launch sometime after iOS 17.4, Which store will be the first to debut in the alternative scheme? Recall that Fortnite was removed from the App Store in 2020 as a result of violations of Apple Store guidelines.

epic vs apple

Fortnite was unavailable on the App Store on August 13, 2020, but will be back soon

The direct payment option that escaped Cupertino was his farewell letter It is still in force without knowing that the legal war will last for years. After several years, the balance was more positive for Epic than for Apple. Epic Store is the seventh store in the world on PC, according to its executive director. Its goal is to become the number 1 multiplatform software store by offering a competitive base of payments and exclusive games.

Will Apple eventually accept Epic as a store?


Fortnite has been out of the App Store for several years

This is something that remains to be seen as Apple itself will ultimately decide which stores will enter its ecosystem, which will be through a single app.

About this, Epic supports Apple notarization and malware scanning in apps, although they reject how the Cupertino people are involved in the matter in “trying to undermine competition and impose taxes on transactions”. After all, Apple is a living example of how to run a business in services. It is one of the most valuable assets and you will protect it with all your means.

In addition to other stores that intend to enter the new era of App Stores in the EU, we will follow this process very closely.

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