Four people died in a police raid on over a marketplace scam in Ocumare

Criminals threw a grenade at the commission, but the explosive did not activate – Photo: Police source.

This time the police dodged the criminals. They were led to believe that they were interested in a car offered through a marketplace on the social network Facebook. The strategy worked for them and they tracked down a criminal gang that had defrauded three buyers a few weeks earlier.

by el pitazo

The Yerbabuena sector of Colonia Mendoza, in Ocumare del Tuy, was the meeting point for the alleged negotiations, which were agreed upon on the morning of Saturday, January 13.

They came riding on four motorcycles and when they realized it was a trap, they threw a grenade at the commission made up of police and army.

The explosive did not activate and the soldiers opened fire. The result was that four people were killed, including the leader of the criminal gang, alias “El Danilito”, and the second in command.

Police identified them as Angel Daniel Avendano Garcia, 32, and Jose Jesus Blanco Rojas, known as “El Chicha.” Of the other two, it was reported that they answered to the nicknames “Oona” and “Taxi Driver”.

market criminals

The alleged truck the criminals were offering was a Cherokee and was worth $17,000. There was communication between police and criminals through WhatsApp.

Read more at El Pitazo

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